Before the legislative elections in Israel, the peace camp demonstrates in Jerusalem

Before the legislative elections in Israel the peace camp demonstrates

For the fifth time in less than three and a half years, Israelis will go to the polls next Tuesday. A vote that promises to be tight once again. Just over 48 hours before the vote, Israel’s peace camp evoked the memory of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who was assassinated 27 years ago. Gatherings in the big cities of the country which turned into political rallies.

With our correspondent in Jerusalem, Michael Paul

Symbolically, the voice of the former Israeli Prime Minister resounds in Zion Square, in Jerusalem. It was there that, a few days before his assassination in November 1995, slogans such as “Death to Rabin” had been chanted.

Saturday evening, at the call of the Labor Party, they were a thousand to hope for better days, but like Rachel, without really believing in it. ” What happened here before Rabin’s assassination is something we shouldn’t accept, and it comes back to Israel “, she laments.

Rallies in memory of Yitzhak Rabin were brought forward this year to take place before Tuesday’s legislative elections and thus mobilize activists from the change bloc in Israel.

A lot of pessimism for the day after the election. This is the view of Lilly, a retiree who came to this gathering to try to reassure herself. “ These elections will bring nothing new, there will be no big change “, she prophesies.

According to the latest polls, the two major political blocs will once again find it difficult to decide. But there is however a slight advantage for the right of Benyamin Netanyahu.

►Also listen: In Israel, stability not found?
