Before even completing your income tax return for 2024, you can know how much you will have to pay taxes this year thanks to this official, free and anonymous online service.

Before even completing your income tax return for 2024 you

Before even completing your income tax return for 2024, you can know how much you will have to pay taxes this year thanks to this official, free and anonymous online service.

Even if it still seems distant, the period of declaration of income is fast approaching. The Internet income declaration service will indeed open on April 13, 2025. And the declaration will have to be made online before May 25, 2025 for departments ranging from 01 (Ain) to 19 (Corrèze), June 1 for departments from 20 (Corse) to 54 (Meurthe-et-Moselle) and June 8 for the departments of 55 (Meuse) to 976 (Reunion).

To best anticipate these deadlines, and above all estimate the amount of your taxes in 2025, the French tax administration has just put the new version of its simulator online. This tool allows you to calculate in advance what you will have to pay on the income you received in 2024, without waiting for the official declaration. Of course, it has been updated by integrating the new scale of income tax modified by the very recent 2025 finance law. The simulator is accessible on the tax and it is designed to help taxpayers to provide their tax obligations in a simple and quickly.

Accessible free of charge and anonymously, this simulator Present itself in two formats: a simplified model and a complete model, both quite austere in their presentation. The simplified model is intended for those whose income comes mainly from wages, retirement pensions or property income. Just enter your personal information, such as your civil status, your income and the number of dependent children, to obtain a rapid estimate of the amount of your tax. If you declare income from commercial, liberal or agricultural activities, or if you benefit from complex tax credits, the complete model is then recommended. The latter will ask you for more detailed information for a more precise estimate.

The simulator takes into account the scale of the 2025 tax, which was slightly adjusted to reflect inflation of 1.8 % observed in 2024. This progressive scale is applied to your reference tax income, that is to say your income after deduction of charges, such as professional costs or pensions. After completing all the necessary information, you will get an estimate of the net tax amount that you will have to pay. This estimate is precious to find out if you will be liable for a balance in September 2025 or if you will receive a refund.

The tool also allows you to assess whether your withdrawals at the source made throughout the year 2024 were sufficient to cover all of your tax. If this is not the case, you can already plan the amount you will have to pay by the start of the school year. On the other hand, if you have been too much taken, you can anticipate a refund from the tax administration. Using this simulator can therefore help you better manage your budget and avoid unpleasant surprises.

If you notice significant differences between the amount estimated by the simulator and your withdrawals at the source, it is advisable to talk about it directly with your tax advisor or to adjust your levy rates on your online space, in order to limit financial imbalances. In addition, to avoid errors, it is recommended to regularly check the accuracy of the information transmitted to the tax administration.

Finally, if you believe that the simulator has given you unexpected results, or if you have any questions about the different possible deductions, it may be useful to consult a tax expert. This tool does not replace professional assistance but constitutes an effective first step towards the preparation of your tax return. Remember that the income declaration for the year 2024 will start in mid-April 2025, and it is therefore essential to prepare in advance to avoid any increase in the event of delay.
