Before a meal, this “stop glucose” drink is the best for lowering blood sugar levels

Before a meal this stop glucose drink is the best

“Silently, day after day, glucose damages cells, functions, organs.”

Eating naturally raises our blood sugar levels (called glycemia), more or less high. Reasonably high if we have a low-carb meal, very high if we eat a lot of sugar or starchy foods. Knowing how to manage our blood sugar and avoid big spikes is essential to stay healthy and prevent the onset of chronic diseases, because “Silently, day after day, glucose damages cells, functions, organs… […] until everything goes wrongexplains Dr. Pierre Nys, endocrinologist-nutritionist, in his book “L’alimentation Glucose Control” (ed. Leduc). So if it is not stable, the whole building will wobble.“. In addition, the blood sugar “roller coaster” results in fatigue, food cravings, sugar cravings and indirectly weight gain.

There are several solutions available to us to regulate blood sugar. First, there are the common sense rules: eat at regular times, limit what the expert calls “hot glucose foods” such as white bread, cakes, sodas, sweets, get active after meals (walk for ten minutes at a good pace for example). A less well-known tip is also to consume before the meal certain foods or drinks that have a positive impact on the regulation of blood sugar. According to the endocrinologist, the best drink called “stop glucose” can lower the overall glycemic index of a meal by around 30% and therefore maintain your blood sugar at an “acceptable” level (see the diagram below). You can even drink it to calm a craving or a sugar craving.

Blood sugar curve with consumption of a “stop glucose” drink © Glucose Control Food – Dr Pierre Nys

His advice is to take a large glass (about 250 ml) of water infused with several slices of lemon or, for the even more concentrated version, a homemade lemonade (squeezing the juice of at least 1/2 lemon) with a few mint leaves, but without adding sugar.

Wealth in citric acid Lemon helps slow down the emptying of the stomach and the digestion of glucose from starch. Caution in case of gastric or intestinal sensitivity: it is better to consult your doctor before embarking on a frantic absorption of lemon juice, the latter can irritate the gastric mucous membranes if abused.
