The beetle crawling event starts in Pokémon GO. As the name suggests, some beetle Pokémon brings you-one of them for the first time.
When does the event run? The event starts on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. and runs until Sunday, March 30, 2025 at 8:00 p.m.
In the event you will find some well-known beetle Pokémon that you can find in the game. There is also a completely new Pokémon, an increased Shiny chance at 2 Pokémon and a whole series of bonuses.
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Which new Pokémon is there in the event? You can meet and catch thermopod for the first time within the event. The Pokémon has the types of fire and beetle, comes from the 8th generation and can develop into infernopod. You can find the monster in 1-star raids, by lock modules and as a reward in the free, temporary research.
Which Pokémon have an increased Shiny chance? Waumpel and toxiped have an increased chance of appearing as Shiny in the event. You can find both monsters in the wilderness.
What bonuses are there in the event? There are some bonuses that are active during the event:
What conditions have to be met for the last bonus and how many monsters are attracted is not known in detail.
Which monsters are there in the event? In the event you can meet different beetle Pokémon in both the wilderness and in Raids.
In the wilderness:
In 1-star raids:
In 3-star raids:
All monsters that are marked with an * can also appear as Shiny.
Further content of the event: In the event you can solve field research, for which you can get mega energy, purquess candies and encounters with Event Pokémon. Collector challenges and Pokéstop Showcases are again part of the event.
A free, temporary research is also available in the event. Here you can get a lock module and further encounters with Event Pokémon.
For $ 2 (around € 2) you can also acquire a paid, temporary research. Here you will receive a lock module, 2 premium fighting passes and encounters with Event Pokémon.
In Pokémon GO, events take place regularly that bring you a wide variety of content. A recurring event is the Community Day. The Pokémon was now indicated for the edition in April, which will be in the foreground. And that causes some irritation among trainers in the community.