Bedbugs: 6 reasons why the current panic is irrational

Bedbugs 6 reasons why the current panic is irrational

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director)

    A real psychosis of the moment in France, bed bugs are making headlines and giving us even more palpitations than pimples. But should we really panic about our health? Are we facing a new scourge? Dr Gérald Kierzek invites us to take a step back.

    Who’s afraid of nasty bedbugs? Pretty much everyone, judging by the number of topics on these invasive critters. Discovered in homes, hotels, cinemas, trains… bedbugs seem to be invading France and giving us cold sweats. The consequences can be very real as mentioned on Doctissimo: these insects can ruin the lives of those affected, sometimes making them experience hell. Should we nevertheless give in to panic?

    An anxiety-provoking climate which contributes to panic

    But isn’t this impression accentuated by the media hype? Are we really facing some sort of epidemic against which we have no power to act? Or on the contrary, do we have solutions? For Dr Gérald Kierzek, medical director of Doctissimo, it is a matter of sorting out the facts from the ambient psychosis:

    “It is not a question of denying the fact that these bedbugs are annoying, irritating, nor of denying the real psychological impact of the situation. When you have bedbugs in your home, it can be complicated. But the anxiety-provoking media environment in which we find ourselves adds to the anxiety and contributes to amplifying this situation, which nevertheless remains manageable”.

    Here are 6 reasons to keep your cool when facing bedbugs.

    Bedbugs do not transmit diseases

    They are irritating and can sting, which is not pleasant. But remember, bedbugs are not currently considered a health hazard, and do not transmit diseases to humans. They bite to feed, can cause pimples, but are not the evil insects you might think.

    They don’t jump on you

    Should we remember it? Bedbugs hide in the dark corners of a room and in bedding, near people, but do not have the power to jump from one person to another, in the street or on public transport. If it remains possible to transport them by placing your belongings on a bed (in a hotel) or on an infested sofa, there is therefore little chance of “catching” them in the metro, when going to a place audience. And even if in doubt, simply wash your clothes at 60° upon your return to eliminate all risks.

    The phenomenon is not new

    We forget it, but these bedbugs had already circulated in France in the 1950s and have been regularly seen in large cities since then, or cited in several European countries, the United States or Canada. “The story is not new, and has not generated a deadly wave” puts our doctor into perspective. In France currently, we can clearly see an increase in interventions over the past 3 years and a jump of 65% between summer 2023 and summer 2022. But by knowing more about the problem, we can also think that the French reacted more quickly and involves a company in case of doubt, increasing the statistics.

    1964, Parisians were already invaded by bedbugs. At the time, the Seine prefecture took care of the disinfection and the bedding was returned to its owner the next day. #Bed bug

    ♬ original sound – INA

    We can get rid of it

    Here again, good point, bedbugs are not the immortal parasites that we might fear. There is no point in choosing toxic commercial products which will do more damage to your health than the animals themselves. But, by calling a company that will have the right treatment, and by applying the right methods to your affairs (vacuum your bedding, use a steam cleaner for the corners of your room and your furniture, wash your clothes and sheets at 60 ° or lock them in a plastic bag for several days, etc.), it is possible to get rid of them!

    There is no need to part with your furniture

    There is also no need to start quickly and want to get rid of your belongings, which would generate a significant cost in addition to the ambient psychosis. “By moving the furniture and the mattress, you risk moving the problem, infesting the entire home or that of the person who intends to collect them” says our expert. But your mattress, like your furniture, can be treated and thus preserved!

    Today there is little chance of reaching the infestation stage

    The media hype still has an advantage: it allows us to increase our vigilance in the face of the problem. Consequently, no one ignores the risk anymore, and the slightest appearance of an unknown insect, or unusual pimples on the leg or back, prompts meticulous cleaning, calling a company, or good habits to avoid proliferation. Speaking from a professional, it is therefore rare today to reach the infestation stage.

    So keep your eyes open, but react without panicking, the bedbug won’t get to your skin!
