Bed rail: our baby safety selection

Bed rail our baby safety selection

To secure your child’s bed, find our advice for choosing the right bed rail. Discover our selection!

When passing to bed grown up, parents are sometimes afraid that their child, who is not used to sleeping in a bed without bars, will fall. Especially since children from 18 months to 5 years old often have restless sleep! To prevent the child from falling out of bed, it is possible to add a safety barrier to the bed, which will prevent him from hurting himself. Most barriers can be attached to all bed bases, often using two arms that slide under the mattress. There are even velcro fasteners, which keep it in place. Thanks to this easy-to-use system, the barrier can be taken when going to the grandparents, to install it on the bed on which the child will sleep. There are even inflatable ones, which are even easier to transport! It is also easy to remove it when it is estimated that the child no longer needs it. For the youngest, it is advisable to choose a barrier of the same length as the bed, while, for older children, a smaller barrier may suffice. Finally, you have to choose the material: there are foam, fabric, metal, or wood. It’s up to you to see what you prefer!
