Bed bugs in the cinema: “itchy blisters”, which rooms?

Bed bugs in the cinema itchy blisters which rooms

According to photos shared on social networks, UGC cinemas in Paris are infested with bed bugs. Rooms and a reminder of what to do in the event of a bedbug bite and how to get rid of it.

Bedbugs are a real plague. In housing, hotels but also (and we don’t always think about it) possibly in cinemas. Parisian visitors paid the price and decided to let it be known. On social networks, several having been at the Bercy UGC cinema this summer have been victims of injections during their session. “Jhad my back full of bites” shared Nawal, a regular at the place, at the Parisian. His back but also his arms were covered in bites right out of the session. Cinema employees confirmed the presence of bedbugs.

The establishment, which has not closed its doors, says it has disinfected the rooms. Nawal scratched her blood the days that followed, she found bedbugs on his sofa and in his room. Because the problem with bedbugs is that they are so small, that they slip easily into our clothes, bags… and that we bring them unknowingly back into our homes where they can proliferate. The UGC des Halles, still in Paris, would also be concerned:

Bedbugs feed on human blood

Bed bugs feed on human blood, which is why they bite humans. The bites are grouped on the same area of ​​skin and often on uncovered areas of the body (arms, legs, back). They are grouped or aligned. “They look like bloody red bumpswhich may itch, but are usually painless” explained Stéphane Gayet, infectiologist, in a previous article on bed bug bites. Itching depends on the person.

Some do not know they have been bitten and will not see any bites; for others the bites scratch and disappear after a few hours or even a few days without treatment. For others, the allergic reactions are more important leading to unbearable itchingof the bright red itchy blisters quite painful that can develop into a generalized reaction.

Disinfect the wound and avoid scratching

“No specific treatment for humans is indicated for bed bug bites.continues pharmacist Tina Géréral. It’s important to clean the wound well and avoid scratching to limit the risk of superinfection. If you suffer from persistent itching, consult your doctor who can prescribe a cream to relieve you. It is always better not to scratch so as not to over-infect the lesions. Bedbugs do not transmit diseases. In addition to the harmful effects of its bites, it is above all very difficult to stop. In case of infestation, specialized companies must intervene and use toxic sprays or fumigators. THE bed linen, clothes must be vacuumed, washed at high temperature (60° or more) and the mattress, curtains and carpets steam cleaned at more than 120°. When it’s possible, freeze goods for 72 hours at -20°C. “Bedbugs are not resistant to extreme temperatures”, argues the pharmacist.

describes the specialist. In general, all bites are grouped at the same location.
