Becoming a veterinarian: training, opportunities, salary…

Becoming a veterinarian training opportunities salary

Are you still hesitating between medicine and your passion for animals? Discover the profession of veterinarian and combine your two centers of interest in a single profession. Being able to practice with domestic animals or wild animals, the veterinarian is the animal doctor.

Like a general practitioner who receives his patients in his office, the veterinarian practicing in town welcomes his patients in order to establish a diagnosis, prescribe medicationsoperate on them, vaccinate them or simply give advice to his masters to prevent certain diseases, or advise a diet. He consults in the office and can sometimes go home in case of emergency. He must be as comfortable with cats, dogs, birds as new ones. pets (NAC). When he exercises in the countryside, the veterinarian rubs shoulders with calves, cows, pigs, goats, sheep, horses, barnyard animals are his daily life. He ensures the health surveillance of farm animals, monitors the fertility and growth of herds, and advises the farmer on food or hygiene.
If he works in the pharmaceutical industry, the veterinarian is involved in the manufacture of drugs and their marketing.
In the food industry, the veterinarian will be responsible for developing new food products.
If he practices in a nature reserve, a zoological park or a national park, the veterinarian seeks to preserve the species by participating in safeguarding or reintroduction of species and health monitoring projects.
Be aware that a veterinarian can be a government official by working as a veterinary public health inspector for the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.
The army also recruits military veterinarians to provide care for military animals such as dogs or horses. They take part in training and research activities, as well as veterinary public health missions. They are recruited within the armed forces health service from among veterinarians holding a State diploma under a two-year contract for officers and a maximum of 17 years for commissioned officers.

The main skills and qualities to have

The profession of veterinarian requires many qualities and skills:

  • be passionate about animals;
  • know how to manage and identify emergencies;
  • demonstrate skill and speed in handling animals;
  • be able to handle all breeds and species of animals without fear;
  • demonstrate rigor and observation in their diagnoses;
  • know how to carry out additional examinations (x-rays, blood tests, etc.);
  • be in good physical condition, especially for farm animals;
  • know how to show pedagogy and tact with the owners;
  • know how to create a bond of trust;
  • be available in case of emergency;
  • show composure;
  • master the surgical procedures to be performed;
  • know perfectly the different drugs and care to be given to each situation.

Work conditions

Whether he works in town or in the countryside, the veterinarian must demonstrate flexible working hours. Indeed, he is not immune to an emergency at any time. He may be required to work on weekends and public holidays and may be on call. When he evolves in the countryside, the veterinarian is required to make many trips to get from one farm to another. Its time slots can therefore be very extended.

How to become a veterinarian?

To exercise the profession of veterinarian, it is mandatory to have the State Diploma of Veterinary Doctor, offered by the national veterinary schools (ENV) of Toulouse, Nantes, Lyon and Maison-Alfort. These schools are accessible by competitive examination or after a bac + 2 or a bac + 3. In total, 6 ways are possible to enter one of these schools:

  • route A, after a general baccalaureate, with BCPST preparation (Biology, chemistry, physics and Earth sciences);
  • the A TB pathway, after an STL or STAV technological baccalaureate, with TB preparation (technology and biology);
  • route B, after a scientific L3;
  • track C, after a baccalaureate + 2;
  • path D, after a master’s degree in biology, state diploma of doctor of medicine, dental surgery or even pharmacy;
  • Path E, for students from the Ecoles Normales Supérieures de Lyon or Cachan who have been admitted to the main list by Path A during the previous entrance examination session.

Since 2021, graduates can also access veterinary studies by registering on Parcoursup in the first year common to national veterinary schools (PACENV).

After obtaining this bac + 6, holders of the State diploma of veterinary doctor can complete their training by preparing in one year the certificate of advanced veterinary studies (CEAV), a diploma of specialized veterinary studies (DESV) in 3 years, a one-year internship after a national competition or a residency accessible after two years of experience or an internship.

The salary of a veterinarian

The salary of a veterinarian can vary from one professional to another depending on his clientele and his specialty. On average, a beginner liberal veterinarian earns between 2000 and 3000 euros gross per month. Once his reputation and his clientele are made, an experienced veterinarian can see his remuneration being between 3500 and 6000 euros gross monthly. Some vets can earn much more.

Career prospects for a veterinarian

A veterinarian employed in a veterinary clinic or a private practice can choose to open his own practice. He can also specialize in a specific type of animal, such as NACs for example, new pets or a specialty (dermatology, ophthalmology, cardiology, osteopathy, etc.). Another possible orientation, the pharmaceutical industry to create drugs or agri-food to develop new croquettes for example. It can finally evolve towards research and teaching.

Companies that employ veterinarians

  • liberal cabinet;
  • veterinary clinic ;
  • pharmaceutical industry ;
  • food industry ;
  • Zoo.

My job explained to my mother

Mom, like Dr. Dolittle, I have to understand the animals I see in my practice in order to be able to care for and handle them without stress. Like a doctor, I receive my patients for their vaccination follow-up, to establish a diagnosis in the event of illness, to operate on them if necessary and to support them throughout their lives. I have an essential role with their masters whom I often have to reassure or advise to establish good hygienic conditions or a suitable diet. I also have to know how to show pedagogy and empathy when I have to tell them bad news. A profession of passion, except for bites and scratches!
