Bloody attack is caught on surveillance film • called “king” after the deed
The threaded murder sentenced the man is already serving a life sentence at the Tidaholmsanstalten.
Now he is charged with suspicion of attempted murder of another inmate.
After the bloody assault, which is believed to be due to a dispute about the music choice at the institution’s gym, the suspect is hailed among the other fellow prisoners who scream that he is “king”.
It is New Year’s Eve at Tidaholmsanstalten.
With hours left of 2024, they are ready to be ready to be locked in for the evening.
In the department, which houses many grossly convicted criminals, a man is seen leaving the shower room with a towel wrapped around the waist.
Shortly thereafter, riots erupt.
On the way to his cell, he is assaulted and carved in the neck and shoulder with a knife -like object. Chairs are thrown and large amounts of blood flow over the corridor.
Gets life -threatening injured
The man gets life -threatening injuries but survives. In interrogation, he does not want to comment on the incident, but surveillance films and testimonies quickly point out a suspect for the attack.
It is a 25-year-old man with connections to a serious criminal gang in the Stockholm region. He serves life imprisonment after a double murder in Denmark 2019.
Several hours after the incident, he is arrested by the institution’s effort inside his cell.
Is called “king” after the deed
In the preliminary investigation, testimonies state that “people may signal to the suspect” when the plaintiff leaves the shower room and moves out in the corridor.
In addition to this, staff from the institution’s alarm strength tell that other inmates roar and pay tribute to the suspected perpetrator after the deed, and screams that he is “king”.
Noise about the music at the gym
Exactly what is the basis for the attack is not clear, but one theory is that it depends on a dispute about the music inside the facility’s gym earlier in the day. The man who will later be assaulted must have switched to an artist with connections to another serious criminal gang from the Stockholm area, which was not appreciated.
In interrogation, it appears that many people have the opinion that the injured man “controls and puts with iron hand” in the department and that he must have had running boys who, among other things, “pick up hot water for him in the evenings”.
The accused man acknowledges that he handed out chopping but denies a crime.