Become adults, they are unanimous: they would have liked their parents to teach them that

Become adults they are unanimous they would have liked their

When you become tall, it is sometimes too late to master certain essential things of life. Here is what adults regret not having learned earlier.

If national education teaches children to read, write, count, understand the story and the world around us … Parents teach many other things to their children to help them grow well. However, by becoming adults, most of them find themselves a little helpless in the face of the harsh reality of life. Especially when their parents tended to do everything in their place, without giving them too much responsibility from an early age. The adults we interviewed are unanimous: few of them learned of these everyday things: they had to manage themselves, but with hindsight, they would have liked to be trained by their father or their mother …

Lucile, 34, regrets not having taken the time to cook alongside her mother when she was younger. “”My mother had no patience when she was in the kitchen, and even less when she received guests. When I came to put my nose in her pots, I was immediately expelled from cooking. Result: today, I am not a stove pro and I regret not knowing all its recipes which are transmitted from mother to daughter… “, testifies the young woman.

Léo, he remembers having particularly struggled when he took his independence, if only to make a laundry (and especially in which compartment to place the capsule), tinker and set up a piece of furniture, or even fill his taxes (without making a mistake of the box). “”I would also have liked to be better accompanied to know how to buy a car by checking the right criteria, to know how to place my money, negotiate a loan, have benevolent advice on the financial aspect, because I have the impression of not understanding anything sometimes and I am often afraid to get started“He says.

Even if the parents always make sure to advise their children and be present for them, the timetable for everyone forced young people to find ready -made solutions: “We go to the simplest, by consulting a tutorial on the internet “they assume. Myriam, on the other hand, often requests her mother to help her financially. She would have liked her to instill bases her to better manage her money and avoid being discovered every month. And then, there is another area that our grandmothers controlled much better than us: sewing! “”I don’t even know how to make a hem, nor sew a button “admits Myriam.

Each generation is its field of skills: young people may master less manual work, but will always be able to get out of it thanks to new technologies that have no secrets for them …
