Beaded crown of the glans: what does it mean to treat it?

Beaded crown of the glans what does it mean to

The pearly crown is reflected by the presence of small pearly papules on the lower border of the glans. What is it due to? Should it be treated? Answers with Dr. Vincent Hupertan, urological surgeon and sexologist.

Definition: what is the pearly crown of the glans?

The beaded crown of the glans, or crown under balanic, is characterized by the presence of small white beads on the border which separates the glans from the penis. They can be present in one or more rows. “The beaded crown essentially touches young man (20-25 years old) and tends to decrease with age. The beaded crown is not contagious and has no impact on the quality of sexual intercoursecomments Dr Vincent Hupertan.

In women, this phenomenon is called papillomatosis physiological vestibular. It is characterized by the presence of small pearly papules at the level of the vulvar vestibule.

The beaded crown results in the presence of whitish balls distributed along the crown of the glans. These small pearly papules are especially visible when the penis is erectless at rest.

What are the causes ?

The causes of pearly crown are poorly understood. “The appearance of these small pearly papules would be linked to the action of sex hormones. They occur most often after puberty“, explains the urologist. Their appearance may suggest condyloma, genital warts caused by papillomaviruses, but in reality it is a physiological phenomenon which does not present no severity criteria. Although completely benign, these small growths can nevertheless cause aesthetic concerns in some men.

The pearl crown being a purely physiological phenomenon, it does not require any treatment. However, some men are self-conscious and want to remove these little whitish balls. The treatment is then based about laser or electrocoagulation. An intervention that the sexologist strongly advises against. “There is no point in taking risks. You should know that, as soon as you touch the penis, and in particular the glans of the penis, we can create functional theoretical aftereffects, and impact pleasure. The less we intervene, the better!“, argues the specialist.

Are there any natural treatments?

There does not exist no natural treatment to make the beaded crown disappear. The two treatments indicated are laser and electrocoagulation“, indicates Dr. Vincent Hupertan.

Thanks to Dr Vincent Hupertan, urologist and sexologist.
