Be prepared for what will happen if you have sex before bed

Be prepared for what will happen if you have sex

If you’re having trouble falling asleep at night, you’re not alone. When your head is on the pillow, minutes pass, and in the morning you start the day with an aggressive and tired way of not getting sleep. According to The Recovery Village, nearly 70 million Americans have some type of sleep disorder that causes them to be unable to get 8 hours of quality sleep. If you are not able to sleep regularly and comfortably, then it may be time to get help from your partner. Because making love before bed can help you sleep and stay asleep.

The many health benefits of having sexual intercourse have been scientifically proven. In addition to feeling great, it helps boost immunity, reduce the risk of heart disease, and increase self-confidence. If these aren’t reasons enough to keep your sex life alive then you should for a comfortable night’s sleep.


Couples who have satisfying sex before completing the day reduce the amount of cortisol, the stress-related hormone in the body. It’s also a huge distraction from anything that keeps you going.

Dr. “When you have sex, you don’t think about what you’re going to do the next day, you don’t answer your phones. It’s distracting,” says Michele Lastella. So sex can be a good distraction and releases a number of chemicals that cause quality sleep. According to experts speaking to Insider, oxytocin, prolactin, vasopressin and serotonin hormones are released during lovemaking.
