Be on your guard against health insurance fraud, especially during the Olympics!

Be on your guard against health insurance fraud especially during

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    Major world events always attract scammers, and the Olympic Games in France will be no exception. Prepare yourself for a wave of fraud attempts, especially by those pretending to be your health insurance company. Their goal? To steal your personal and banking data or scam you out of money.

    Health insurance is calling for extreme vigilance to avoid falling into the traps of fraudulent messages. Here is their advice to avoid scams.

    Health Insurance will never ask you:

    • Your login credentials (including password)
    • Medical information
    • Your full bank details or credit card number

    How to verify authenticity?

    • Official emails end with,, or
    • Calls come from the numbers 36 46 or 01 78 85 70 03
    • The text messages come from 38663 and start with “HEALTH INSURANCE”

    Beware of false Vitale card delivery charges: Health Insurance never sends a new Vitale card without prior request and never charges delivery charges.

    Pirates’ methods

    Phishing: Scammers send emails or text messages imitating Health Insurance to extract your personal information. They can also call you directly (vishing).

    The most common pitfalls:

    • Vitale card renewal
    • Updating your file
    • Request for bank details for a transfer
    • Fraud alert on your account

    Fraudulent messages pressure you to act quickly to prevent you from verifying their authenticity.

    Examples of fraudulent messages


    Beware of suspicious calls

    Scammers pretend to be Health Insurance advisors and claim to have spotted suspicious transactions on your ameli account. Always verify the identity of the caller by asking for the last reimbursement made to your account.

    For more information and to distinguish genuine communications from fraud attempts, visit

    Mobilization of Health Insurance

    To protect its 65 million policyholders, Health Insurance is strengthening its vigilance messages, especially during the Olympic period. With alerts on ameli accounts, articles in the press and posts on social networks, Health Insurance is mobilizing to raise awareness and protect its policyholders thanks to its 80,000 employees.
