Be careful if you are or have been a customer at Free! Following the last hacking of the operator, personalized phishing campaigns are increasing. And the latest is particularly worrying.
It was predictable: massive free hacking of free a few months ago led to a multiplication of scams targeting the operator’s subscribers. And the trend is really disturbing with regard to the phishing campaign that is currently raging. Remember, at the end of October 2024, the operator had been the victim of a massive data flight which had affected no less than 19 million customers (see our article). Cybercriminals then had very complete personal information sheets, making it possible to make many scams, by diversion or identity theft. Worse still, millions of Iban (and therefore banking shoals) had been stolen.
Unfortunately, the consequences of this historical hacking are already felt, even if one of the two hackers had declared that this attack should only be used to highlight the free security vulnerabilities and alert on massive data collection. In short, the information should not be sold. It seems that hackers have finally changed their minds, since Free customers are currently the target of a large phishing campaign, with emails sent on behalf of Amazon.
Free hacking: Watch out for the Amazon Prime Family scam
Many Freebox subscribers are currently receiving an email that announces the activation of a service called “Amazon Prime Family”, which is billed 480 euros per year. What make subscribers jump! For more credibility, the email strongly resembles the messages sent by the American company and mentions the full name of the victim as well as his postal address and his IBAN. Personal information that would therefore have been obtained during the last massive free data flight.
The message specifies that the payment is being processed and that, to stop it, it is necessary to quickly click on the button “Cancel my subscription”. You can imagine, it redirects the Internet user to a fraudulent site where he is invited to provide confidential information such as his Amazon and RIB identifiers.
Free hacking: personalized phishing campaigns in series
In itself, the phishing technique is rather classic and is not even well done, since the email has several spelling mistakes and has a bogus email address. It is especially the fact that cybercriminals use such personal information that is worrying. And it is far from an isolated case!
Mr. Niel! Guess who has just received a false email @Free (or reef maybe)?
I’m sure you will love this new style of scam that uses your data leak …
Spoiler: they pass for free with “info@freetelecom-franc” and offer
– Madame has humor (@madame_humour) December 30, 2024
For several weeks, testimonies of this kind have multiplied on social networks, again by making intelligent use of stolen data. Whether it is an email from free to report a fiber line crushing (Freebox number in support), an “LCD” agent (Having the RIB, account number and email address of the victim) or the famous package of the package not entering the mailbox (but again seasoned with personal information), the crooks do not retreat to nothing!
If you are the target of an online scam, by email or by SMS, immediately transfer the message to spam signal, Pharosor directly at 33,700the platform specializing in the reporting of scams. You can also report these fraudulent messages to the site Internet- Then block the sender number to no longer be brought up and delete the message in question.