Be careful if you are going to this large French city soon: from spring, parking will cost much more for certain vehicles, as is the case in Paris.

Be careful if you are going to this large French

Be careful if you are going to this large French city soon: from spring, parking will cost much more for certain vehicles, as is the case in Paris.

This is bad news for many motorists. From May 2, drivers of heavy vehicles will have to pay more to park on the streets of Bordeaux. The city’s environmentalist town hall, under the leadership of Pierre Hurmic, has decided to increase parking rates by 30% for certain cars, particularly SUVs. This measure is inspired by a similar policy implemented in Paris and aims to encourage better use of urban space while reducing the environmental impact of the largest vehicles.

Concretely, this increase concerns non-professional vehicles whose weight exceeds 1,600 kg for thermal engine models, and 1,900 kg for hybrid and electric models. This decision will not affect lighter vehicles or professional subscriptions. Around 10% of subscribers and 14% of visitors to Bordeaux will be affected by this measure. The new rate will be automatically applied based on the car registration number.

The reasons given by the municipality to justify this increase are mainly ecological. Heavier vehicles, like SUVs, emit more CO2 and other pollutants, contributing more to global warming. Additionally, their weight accelerates the deterioration of roads, increasing maintenance costs for the city. Finally, these bulky vehicles take up more space in an already limited urban space, reducing the number of spaces available for other drivers.

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In addition to the environmental impact, safety is also a key issue. SUVs and other large vehicles increase the risk of accidents. Their size limits visibility, particularly for pedestrians and cyclists, who are more vulnerable to these cars. According to studies, a pedestrian is twice as likely to die in the event of a collision with an SUV as with a conventional car.

This policy reflects a growing trend in Europe to encourage modes of transport that are more environmentally friendly and adapted to the constraints of large cities. For owners of affected vehicles, it is therefore advisable to check box G1 of their registration document in order to know the exact weight of their car. This initiative could encourage some drivers to opt for lighter, more fuel-efficient and less polluting vehicles, a choice beneficial both for their wallet and for the planet.

As you can imagine, the municipality’s announcement is already generating discontent among many autonomists living in the Bordeaux area or regular visitors. But it is a safe bet that this new measure will gradually catch on in France and that several cities will soon follow the examples of Paris and Bordeaux. Whether it’s to pay for parking or to buy a clean vehicle, you’ll have to put your hand in your wallet.
