The Brant Community Healthcare System welcomed Erin Sleeth into the role of interim president and CEO on June 30.
Erin Sleeth is no stranger to the BCHS and the Brantford-Brant community.
“I was born at the BGH, my two sons were born at the BGH, and I have worked at the BGH for 24 years,” Sleeth said recently.
“After I graduated from St. John’s College, I studied health science at the University of Western Ontario.”
Sleeth began hearing about healthcare from an early age from her father, who also worked in the hospital sector. That prompted her interest in the healthcare system, and a drive to build a career within a section that focuses on helping people.
“I knew I wanted a career in healthcare, but on the business side. I have a special interest in people, so I completed postgraduate studies in human resource management, labor relations, and then went on and completed my master’s degree in leadership,” Sleeth said.
Sleeth has witnessed firsthand the changes in local healthcare, everything from the formation of the Brant Community Healthcare System (Brantford General Hospital and The Willett Hospital, Paris) to the unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has given rise to unprecedented human resource challenges and navigating a new normal in healthcare.
Four years ago, Sleeth became the Chief Human Resources Officer. However, effective this month she is embracing a new challenge as the interim president and CEO of BCHS.
“David McNeil retired as the president and CEO,” Peter Quinlan, Chair of the Board of Directors said. “Our Board appointed Erin on an interim basis while we complete a search to hire our next president and CEO.”
“We have full confidence in Erin’s leadership and others leading the BCHS.”
Quinlan talked about the challenges hospitals face attracting employees.
“We all know that the pandemic has impacted healthcare, particularly hospitals significantly. Many staff, including those at the senior leadership level, are exhausted and are leaving the industry; and unfortunately, fewer people are stepping up to fill their positions.”
“Staff shortages, the highest rates of sick time hospitals have ever faced have led to ‘our new normal’ that we need to navigate,” Sleeth acknowledged.
Sleep is also connected with the larger hospital community throughout the area. During the pandemic, and today, she plays a significant role serving as the regional co-chair for the human resource committee and she is the human resources representative for the regional systems capacity planning committee. She also worked with more than 100 staff to elicit feedback to improve workplace culture and engagement.
As Sleeth begins this next chapter of her career, she does so with a sense of humility.
“I am honored and humbled to be appointed the interim president & CEO,” Sleeth says. “To be able to serve our community, our patients and their loved ones, alongside our amazing and dedicated staff, physicians, and volunteers, is a privilege.”
Quinlan reflected on the benefit of being able to promote from within the BCHS.
“Erin has earned everyone’s respect across the organization. We are pleased to have her onboard in this interim position, and know her leadership will guide BCHS through this next phase.”
Sleeth said, “I have grown up here, our family lives in this community, and our children attend school here.”
“The Brantford General and The Willett are critical access points to healthcare, and cornerstones of our community. I look forward to advancing our mission of working together of building a healthier community.”
Hospital Insider is written by Gary Chalk who assists with communications for the Brant Community Healthcare System.
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