BBC: Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon resigns

BBC Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon resigns

Sturgeon is Scotland’s longest serving Prime Minister.

BBC says (you switch to another service) Prime Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon to resign from his position.

Sturgeon is expected to make the announcement at a press conference in Edinburgh today. There is no word yet on exactly when Sturgeon will leave her post. The BBC anticipates the transition period during which a new prime minister will be elected.

Sturgeon is Scotland’s longest-serving Prime Minister and leader of the SNP, the pro-independence Scottish National Party.

However, Scotland’s dreams of independence are in trouble, as the British Supreme Court ruled at the end of last year that a referendum cannot be held on the issue without the permission of the British Parliament.

The last time independence was voted in Scotland was in 2014. Then the country decided to remain part of Great Britain by 55-45 percent.
