BBC: Opposition leader Alexei Navalny was permanently transferred to solitary confinement

BBC Opposition leader Alexei Navalny was permanently transferred to solitary

Russian opposition leader Aleksei Navalnyi talks about being in solitary confinement in a tweet himself. According to him, the order is permanent.

A person serving a prison sentence in Russia Alexei Navalny has been transferred to an isolation cell, says British Broadcasting Corporation BBC (switch to another service).

Navalny himself says on social media that the discharge was ordered just a few days before he was supposed to have a meeting with his family.

Navalnyi has been ordered to isolation before, but the isolation periods have been at most 15 days long.

Now Navalny has been told that the isolation will be permanent because his crimes have been “found to be heinous,” he says in tweets from prison.

According to him, the cell is like any cramped punishment cell. The difference is that he can carry two books instead of one, and he can use the prison kiosk, albeit with a very limited amount of money.

Navalnyi is serving an 11.5-and-a-half-year prison sentence, which Navalny and Western countries believe is retaliation for his criticism of the Kremlin.
