Bayrou, accused of having sexual violence, criticizes an “invented scandal”

Bayrou accused of having sexual violence criticizes an invented scandal

The Prime Minister formally denies the accusations brought against him after the publication of a Mediapart investigation.

“Rapes on minors in Betharram: Bayrou’s lies to defend a Catholic institution.” Published on February 5, the survey conducted by Mediapart Affirms that the Prime Minister, who educated his children in the Catholic establishment today under the spotlight, was aware of the scandal. No less than 112 complaints were filed by former residents of Notre-Dame de Bétharram, in the town of Lestelle-Bétharram, near Pau.

They have denounced since October 2023 and the creation of a collective of ex-students, physical violence, sexual and pedocrimic assaults with which they would have been victims. Acts committed by the loan and supervisors of the establishment, but also by other residents. The facts would span from the 1950s until the years 2010. Questioned Tuesday, February 11 by the rebellious deputy Paul Vannier on the occasion of questions to the government, François Bayrou denied having been aware of the accusations in the 1990s, while ‘He was Minister of National Education (1993-1997).

“Everything is false and a defamation complaint will be carried”

“The accusers say: he could not ignore it. I was never informed of anything, violence or sexual violence,” said Matignon tenant on Tuesday in the hemicycle of the Bourbon Palace. As proof, he pointed out: “Do you think we would have educated [nos enfants] If we had such information? “And to warn:” Everything is false and a defamation complaint will be brought. ”

According to two testimonies collected by Mediapart, a professor claims to have directly warned the father while a parent who filed a complaint in 1996 assures: “Bayrou had his son in the same class. […] He was absolutely aware […] He had no reaction. “For his part, the mayor of Pau had recognized last March with the Parisian that “rumor, 25 years ago, suggested that there had been slaps in boarding school” and claimed to have “never heard […] Sexual risks “. This Tuesday, François Bayrou also justified himself by pointing out that he was no longer Minister of Education” at the time of the deposit of the first plain. And to note: “The method is now very well known to the French: as soon as someone occupies responsibilities, we strive to invent scandals from scandals. If we do not answer and we are silent, we are guilty.
