Bayfest makes big splash in Port Rowan

Bayfest makes big splash in Port Rowan

Organizers already looking ahead to 2023

Sometimes they float, sometimes they don’t.

That’s how it works in Bayfest’s annual Build a Boat by the Bay competition in Port Rowan.

The majority of Saturday’s participants were first-time boat builders in the contest sponsored by Port Rowan Home Building Centre. They were given a random assortment of wood in the morning and about 2-3 hours to build their boats.

At 1 p.m., they raced in the harbour.

Jesse Gilchrist, 27, from Walsh entered the race with his five-year-old son Jayce.

“We went for the kayak paddle so we could paddle both sides. He wanted his own paddle of course. And we used the plywood for the base. We put the benches in when Jayce wanted to go eat some lunch,” said Jesse. “It took about two hours to build it.”

There was a ‘nice flag’ on the back, he noted.

The flag did not survive after they tipped over near the starting line. Jesse and Jayce were fine, and they were able to pull the boat back up on the dock. On the bright side, it was water-tight – they did not take on any water until it flipped over.

Jesse said they learned two lessons – make the boat longer and lower the seats.

“Most of the other ones were pretty long. Now we know for next year, absolutely.”

It was a worthwhile experience, he said.

“Oh yeah, getting him out here, the experience, that’s the most important part. That’s why I entered.

Jack Strobridge and Kyle Boughner from St. Williams won their first heat race Saturday, but they took on too much water in the finals, finishing third as the boat completely submerged only a mere 10-15 feet from the finish line.

“We had too much water in the boat,” Boughner admitted, “from the paddling and it tipped a bit.”

Port Rowan’s Mason Griffith Lamont, racing in the SS Nitro, finished second in the finals.

“I’ve watched these a couple times but this was my first time competing in it,” he said.

Griffith Lamont paired up with his dad to build his boat.

“Looked at a boat picture on the net and we just winged it. Next year, kayak paddles. Better paddle and spend a little more time researching ideas.”

Ryan and Nick Gee from St. Williams built the winning boat (Inner Bay Boys), raced by Ryan.

Organizers of this year’s Bayfest, working on a tight schedule, were able to arrange many of the annual activities and events in the three-day 2022 Port Rowan festival starting with a very successful Friday night outdoor family movie.

Saturday events included a dog show, Build a Boat by the Bay, frog toss, wacky hair contest, pickleball tournament, hula hoop contest, ice cream eating contest, open mic on the stage, scavenger hunt, and roast beef dinner.

Sunday events included the parade and fireworks, two shows by Port Dover illusionist Lucas Wilson and a ‘big boy toy show.’

“We had a slow start (organizing),” said Bayfest committee member Wally Ford. “But look out next year.”

“The weather’s been great today (Saturday),” said Crystal Saunders, chair of the Bayfest committee. “We’re excited to be back in Port Rowan and doing this as a community.”

Watch for some “new and big changes” in 2023, said Saunders.


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