Battlefield 2042 Shutdown game mode details

Battlefield 2042 Shutdown game mode details

He shared details of the Leviathan Rising event on his DICE podcast. Provided an overview of the Battlefield 2042 Shutdown game mode.

DICE has released the latest Inside Battlefield podcast. The episode details the Battlefield 2042 Shutdown game mode, which will come with the Leviathan Rising event this week.

What will the Battlefield 2042 Shutdown game mode offer?

The Shutdown game mode includes mechanics that offer new ways to experience Battlefield. According to the information provided by EA, the system will operate as follows:

Defend, Locate & Disable: We need to locate and eliminate the Spear Carriers. At the same time, you must protect your carrier, and if he somehow falls, you must take over immediately. It’s kind of like a capture the flag game, but as we understand it, we need to leave no one behind in order to be the winning team.

Play The Objective: As long as your spear carrier is alive, you will earn money. It is certain that the flag bearer’s job will be very difficult.

Shut It Down: A deployed Spear will stop awarding points after a period of time after getting enough points on a target. This corresponds to about 70 seconds. For this reason, you will need to move it to a different destination. However, this means that you move closer to your enemy.

Secure Victory: You will play one round as both the Attacker and the Defender. Once the first round is over, you will switch sides and redeploy. As you battle in these fast-paced matches, you as the Attacker must collect the most points to secure victory.
