Battery fires in the home are on the rise – that’s how you charge safely

As more and more people charge and store larger batteries in their homes, the number of battery fires has increased drastically in recent years.
Now the Rescue Service is warning of a continued increase in the future when it comes to battery fires in the home.
– The risk is imminent, says Mats Björs, who is secretary general at the Fire Protection Association.

The number of battery fires that took place in the home increased by one hundred percent from 2018 to 2023. Now the emergency services warn that the increase may continue.

Mats Björs believes that the increase is taking place in step with higher electricity and battery consumption in the home.

– Since we are charging more and more and using more electricity, it is clear that the risk is imminent. It is important to think about doing it the right way, says the general secretary in Nyhetsmorgon.

Charge on hard surfaces

Using working equipment, charging on hard surfaces and charging during the day are some of Mats Björ’s tips to avoid battery fires.

– You should use gadgets that are whole and original, you should also not charge the mobile phone on the sofa or bed as it is flammable material, it is very important. We also recommend not charging at night because then you have no control, he says.

He adds:

– However, the danger of charging an electric car is not as great, as the real danger occurs when the fire is indoors. The dangerous thing is when you sleep.

An electric scooter, on the other hand, has 30-60 times more energy in it than a mobile phone. Mats Björs believes that one should make sure not to have them indoors, especially not in the hall.

– It may be the only escape route you have, he says.

If the fire starts

If you follow the advice, the risk of a fire is small, but there are things you can do if the flames still take off.

– If a mobile phone catches fire, you can hopefully put it out with a fire blanket or fire extinguisher, but you have to be quick because it only takes a few minutes before the room catches fire, says Mats Björs.

However, it is necessary to act differently if it is a question of more powerful batteries.

– Electric scooters tend to explode, there are enormous forces in such a battery and it is not to be trifled with. If the battery is overheated, you have to put it outside, if it starts to smoke, you have to get out and save yourself.
