Bathing after eating: do you really have to wait 3 hours?

Bathing after eating do you really have to wait 3

According to a popular belief that is not based on anything concrete, bathing after a meal would expose you to the risk of drowning. To avoid it, you would have to wait three hours, children of the generation of the baby boomers. However, this is false, answer the doctors. You can go swimming immediately after eating.

It is a very widely held and tenacious belief which, however, is not based on any serious scientific basis. The generation of baby boomers constantly advised his children not to bathe right after the meal. Why ? They ran the risk of being victims of cramps and as a result, ofhydrocution and so drown… For others, it would be caused by the body temperature which rises during the digestion. Well, either way, that’s wrong.

Digestion and hydrocution: no risk after the meal

The process of digestion — which can last more than three hours, depending on the meal — causes a rush of blood to theabdomen but this phenomenon does not cause in any case a drop in the irrigation of the other parts of the body at the origin of cramps. The blood flow remains sufficient for the muscles.

As for the difference in temperature between that of your body and that of the water, it is often very small. However, if you notice too great a difference in the temperature of the water in your swimming pool or the sea, it should be entered gradually. And this, whatever the time of day, whether there was a meal or not.

In conclusion, after a hearty meal, your swimming performance will certainly be reduced but you are not at risk of drowning. At least, not for having bad digestion… Finally, know that it is recommended for professional swimmers to eat a little before competing.

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