Bat tests positive for rabies in Norwich Township: Public health

Bat tests positive for rabies in Norwich Township Public health

A bat recovered in Norwich Township has tested positive for the rabies virus, public health officials have confirmed.

The bat was sent for testing after biting a township resident, who is now receiving rabies post-exposure prophylaxis that will prevent them from contracting the deadly virus.

“If you have been bitten or scratched by an animal, the first step is to wash the wound right away with soap and water,” said Amy Pavletic, Southwestern public health’s program manager for environmental health. “The second step is to seek medical attention.

“The third step is to report all animal bites to your local public health unit so we can investigate and assess the risk of rabies transmission.”

Rabies is a viral disease that is spread through an animal’s saliva. The disease affects an animal’s brain and eventually leads to death. Humans exposed to the virus, usually through a bite or a scratch from an infected animal – requires treatment to also avoid death.

The positive rabies test also serves as a reminder to area residents that rabies remains present in the region. Public health is responsible for co-ordinating treatment with post-exposure prophylaxis for anyone bitten or exposed to a suspected rabid animal.

Residents are also reminded to never directly handle a bat. If you have a bat in your home or have questions about removing a bat from a dwelling, contact a local wildlife rescue, public health officials advised.

Protect against rabies

  • Vaccinate your pet against the rabies virus;
  • Make sure your pet’s vaccinations are up to date;
  • Keep pets indoors at night;
  • Touch base with your vet if you see any potential wounds on your pet from a fight with wild animals;
  • Teach children to stay away from wild animals and strange dogs and cats;
  • Always ask permission before trying to pet an animal;
  • Supervise children around animals;
  • Do not attempt to touch or feed wild animals:
  • Do not touch sick animals;
  • Do not approach animals that are behaving aggressively or oddly; and
  • Be familiar with the signs of rabies in your pets and wild animals.
