Bastien and François crowned winners 2022, the recap of the final

Bastien and Francois crowned winners 2022 the recap of the

KOH LANTA 2022. Viewers witnessed an unexpected result in Koh Lanta this Tuesday during the final. For the first time in 15 years, two finalists share the title of winner. Throwback to the equal victory of Bastien and François.

  • This is a first in 15 years! Tuesday evening, during the Koh Lanta 2022 final, the final jury rendered a verdict tied between two finalists: François and Bastien shared the victory with equal votes while Géraldine finished third despite her victory over the posts.
  • In the case of a tie, the rules provide that the two winners separate the title but also the sum of €100,000. In fact, Bastien and François each won €50,000 in the final of Koh Lanta, the cursed totem.
  • Such a tie in the final has already happened twice in the history of Koh Lanta. The first in 2003 between Delphine and Isabelle. The second between Jade and Kevin in 2007. It had therefore been fifteen years since a tie in the Koh Lanta final had not taken place.


11:47 – François announced that he was going to become a dad

Koh Lanta candidates often take advantage of the broadcast of the final to make very personal revelations about them. The Koh Lanta 2022 final was no exception to the rule since François took the opportunity to announce that he would soon be the father of his first child. Earlier in the show, while he was still in the Philippines, he explained his desire to have a child with his partner Sophie. Done, François announced that both were waiting for “a happy event scheduled for early November” without specifying either the sex or the first name of the unborn baby.

11:15 – The ex-yellows could have scored a big blow in the final

With three finalists facing the final jury and not two as usual, the votes were well distributed last night in Koh Lanta, the cursed totem. So much so that Bastien could have won alone and won the check for €100,000. Indeed, if all the Yellows (except Nicolas, won over to the cause of François) had voted for Bastien, he would have had 5 votes and not 4. The tipping point was however made at the level of Olga’s vote which preferred Géraldine, whose life course touched her a lot. It was this vote that ultimately cost Bastien €50,000.

10:53 – Internet users disappointed that Géraldine did not win

This is often the case when the winner of the post test does not win the final, some Internet users did not fail to express their disappointment when they learned that Géraldine had not had enough votes to win. Worse still, she is on the third step of the podium with three votes while Bastien and François share the title and the 100,000€. For some Internet users, this is not fair. It is however the rule of Koh Lanta, it is up to the final jury to decide. However, it is possible that this three-way final reduced Geraldine’s chances of victory.

10:22 – How many won Bastien and François, equal winners?

It’s rare but it happens that a tie occurs in the final of Koh Lanta. This year, Bastien and François were declared equal winners against Géraldine in the final. As the rule stipulates and as was the case previously, the check for €100,000 will therefore be divided in two and Bastien, like François, will therefore win €50,000.

09:50 – Who voted for whom in the Koh Lanta final?

With a final vote between three candidates, the distribution of votes really created a surprise this evening in the final of Koh Lanta, the cursed totem. With 3 votes, Géraldine was able to count on Olga, Maxime and Louana, which however was not enough to win. Bastien, meanwhile, collected the votes of Jean-Charles and three former Yellows: Anne-Sophie, Yannick and Colin. Finally, François was able to count on his lifelong allies: Fouzi, Nicolas, Ambre and Pauline.

09:32 – A tie in the Koh Lanta final, a first in 15 years!

As you know, Koh Lanta celebrated its 20th anniversary last year with a “The Legend” season that everyone would probably prefer to forget. In its history, the TF1 survival show has had its share of tied victories. Two precisely: in 2003 first between Delphine and Isabelle, and then in 2007 between Jade and Kevin. These four winners had each received €50,000. With the joint victory of Bastien and François, it is the first time in 15 years that Koh Lanta has found a perfect equality during the final jury.

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The final of Koh Lanta, the cursed totem was broadcast on Tuesday June 21, 2022 on TF1. It opposed Bastien, Jean-Charles, Géraldine and François all qualified in the final during the orientation test. After four months of broadcast, the 2022 season of Koh Lanta has delivered its verdict. Bastien and François were crowned equal winners of the show in the final.

It was in the Philippines that the candidates left during Koh-Lanta, the cursed totem. They were 24 to participate in 2022, 12 men and 12 women. Below, find our recap of the adventure, candidate by candidate.

Program sheet

Koh-Lanta is an adventure game broadcast since 2001 on TF1. It was presented by Hubert Auriol for the first season. Since 2002, it is Denis Brogniart who is in charge of the animation of the program. Several adventurers try to survive on a deserted island until the finale. In this entertainment of survival and strategy, several tests punctuate each episode, and a candidate is eliminated by the other participants, until there are only five left. The latter then decide on two emblematic tests: the orientation and the posts, before the final vote. Since its inception, the game has seen many rule changes.

Koh-Lanta is a TF1 program broadcast twice each year on the first channel: a first season is broadcast in the spring, a second at the end of the summer. Each episode is available on television but also live on the MyTF1 site via tablet, computer or smartphone. The show is available for replay the next day on the MyTF1 website and this for a period of 7 days. Note that the replays are posted on the Salto platform for an indefinite period, which allows the most avid fans to see or re-watch the entire season.

It was on the evening of June 21, 2022 that TF1 broadcast the grand finale of Koh Lanta, the cursed totem. After 39 days of survival in the Philippines, it was Bastien and François who were chosen by the final jury as the big winners of the season. The two candidates supplanted Géraldine with 4 votes each against 3.
