BASKETBALL. France – Bosnia: the Blues win with style, the summary of the match

BASKETBALL France Bosnia the Blues win with style the

FRANCE – BOSNIA. France won against Bosnia on Tuesday, September 6 with style after experiencing difficult first matches. The Blues can still believe in first place in this group B.

16:40 – Summary of the match

The Blues win with style in this France – Bosnia (81-68). From the first quarter the French showed a rather satisfactory face even if the Bosnians hung on and finished the first 10 minutes tied with Vincent Collet’s men (19-19). Euro 2022 third top scorer, Dzanan Musa was perfectly muzzled and finished the first half with 7 small points and none scored in the second quarter. It was precisely in this second quarter that France completely made the difference by returning to the locker room with a 10-point lead (44-34). Evan Fournier notably contributed to this advantage by exceeding the symbolic bar of 1000 points scored with the selection. But after half-time, the Blues again fell into their traps and completely missed the third quarter, leaving the Bosnians back to two points. But fortunately for Vincent Collet’s men, it was just a simple scare because during the fourth quarter, they set an even faster pace and ended up winning without really shaking with a substantial lead. 13 points at the end of the game (81-68). The next meeting for the Blues will take place tomorrow against Luka Doncic’s Slovenia for certainly clinched second place in Group B of this Euro 2022 basketball.

4:30 p.m. – “Defence is our strength”, assures Yabusele

Guerschon Yabusele gave his opinion on this France – Bosnia and appreciated the way. “It feels good, we let them come back into the game but in the end the most important thing is to win. The defense is our strength, we want to be tough on it so we can set a big pace also in attack “, said Guerschon Yabusele.

16:25 – Fournier has exceeded 1000 points

Beyond the solid success of the Blues against the Bosnians in this France – Bosnia (81-68), another event is to be highlighted in this match. Indeed, Evan Fournier exceeded the symbolic bar of 1000 points in selection.

4:20 p.m. – It’s over! France wins

Les Bleus win with style in this France – Bosnia and can still believe in first place in this group B of Euro 2022 basketball (81-68).

16:15 – Beciragic asks for a time out

This is the dead time of the last hope requested by Beciragic in this France – Bosnia. One minute and thirty seconds remain and the Bosnians are trailing by nine points.

16:13 – Tarpey for the dunk

The Blues seem to take shelter after this new loss of the Bosnian ball in this France – Bosnia and regain a nine-point lead thanks to Terry Tarpey (75-65).

16:12 – +7 for the Blues

France blows a little in this France – Bosnia two minutes from the end of this meeting thanks to a two-point basket from Evan Fournier.

16:10 – Fourth foul for Yabusele

Guerschon Yabusele commits his fourth fault in this France – Bosnia.

16:09 – Beciragic requests another time out

The Bosnian coach asks for a timeout after another loss of ball from Bosnia and a dunk from Yabusele which allows the Blues to have a five-point lead four minutes from the end of this France – Bosnia.

16:07 – +3 for France

After the 2/2 free throw from Evan Fournier, the Blues regain a three-point lead in this France – Bosnia.

16:05 – Three-point hit

It is good for the French this three-point basket from Thomas Heurtel. The Blues go back in front for a point in this France – Bosnia (62-61).

16:03 – Nurkic has a hot hand

Yusuf Nurkic is on a mission in this fourth quarter of this France – Bosnia. He just scored his team’s last 8 points and is at 14 points and 10 rebounds.

16:02 – Nurkic again!

Incredible Nurkic who scored a new three-point basket in this France – Bosnia two seconds from the end of the Bosnian possession.

16:01 – Fournier responds to Nurkic

Evan Fournier also scores a three-point basket in this France – Bosnia just after that of Nurkic.

16:00 – Nurkic’s three points

Nurkic participates in the rise of the Bosnians and scores his first three-point basket of this France – Bosnia in an atmosphere of madness.

15:58 – The dunk for Poirier

Vincent Poirier puts an end to the bleeding in this France – Bosnia and gives points for the Blues. The France team is back in front for a point (54-53).

15:56 – Bosnia goes ahead

It hadn’t happened for a long time but the Bosnians came back in front in this France – Bosnia thanks to a three-point basket from John Roberson.

15:54 – Halillovic brings his team back to two points at the end of the third quarter

The Blues completely passed through the third quarter of this France – Bosnia and saw their opponents come back to two small points with Hallilovic’s basket at the buzzer.

15:52 – Bosnia on four points

The Bosnians are making their comeback in this France-Bosnia. They are only four points behind the Blues who pass through their third quarter (48-52).

15:49 – Time violation for the Blues

The Bosnians will have the opportunity to get even closer in this France – Bosnia after the time violation committed by the French.

15:47 – Time out for Vincent Collet

Vincent Collet feels it, things are not going well for his players in this France – Bosnia who saw their opponents come back to six small points.

15:45 – Three minutes remaining in this third quarter

There are only three minutes left in this third quarter where the points are rarer. The Blues lead by 10 points in this France – Bosnia.

15:43 – 3rd foul for Yabusele who comes out

Guerschon Yabusele commits his third fault in this France – Bosnia and is taken out by Vincent Collet. Fall replaces it.

15:40 – Action a bit messy

Particularly surprising sequence in this France – Bosnia with a big fight for the conquest of the ball. It is ultimately the Blues who inherit the ball and end up scoring. They lead by 12 points (52-40).

15:38 – Yabusele at the buzzer

Guerschon Yabusele scores an apnier at the buzzer and restores France’s ten-point lead against Bosnia.
