Baseball legend Toni Kohonen and Manse PP couldn’t come to an agreement about kicks, the dispute continues in the courts

Baseball legend Toni Kohonen and Manse PP couldnt come to

According to the district court of Pirkanmaa, the case will continue as a normal dispute.

A baseball legend Toni Kohonen and the baseball club Manse PP mediated the dispute over firings in the district court of Pirkanmaa on Monday.

The mediation session did not produce results. According to the district court of Pirkanmaa, mediation will be terminated and the dispute will continue in the courts.

Kohonen sued Manse PP in April, because he considered his dismissal in March to have been illegal. Kohonen demanded 111,000 euros from the club, and legal costs of around 9,000 euros at the time.

This is what it’s all about

Manse PP said that Kohonen, who has had a great playing career, signed the manager’s contract in October, but ended up firing him already in the spring. Kohonen considers the firings to be illegal.

Manse PP demands the district court to reject Kohonen’s demands. Manse PP terminated the match director’s employment based on their own opinion based on the Employment Contracts Act.

Manse PP delivered the notice of dismissal on March 23, when Kohonen had not come to the workplace at the agreed time, according to the club.

A month earlier, Kohose had been informed that Manse PP was considering terminating the employment relationship due to continuous neglect, insufficient work performance, unauthorized absences and dishonesty. According to Manse PP, Kohonen, for example, repeatedly missed the team’s practices without an acceptable reason.

The parties do not comment

Kohonen published a concise message in the stories section of Instagram in the spring.

– Now the v-wind is over. We will watch this until the end!

could not reach Kohos for comment. According to Manse PP, the matter is pending, and it did not want to comment on the matter.
