Baryard’s quick ride gave the victory – and a million in prize money

Baryards quick ride gave the victory and a million

After last summer’s Olympic gold in team, Malin Baryard Johnsson and the mare Indiana have gone from clarity to clarity.

The headstrong mare and Malin Baryard Johnsson are today one of the world’s best crews. On Saturday night, a new proof came for it.

The last class during the competitions in St. Tropez, where the Global Champions League has been decided this week, was an individual GP jump where the obstacles were 160 centimeters high. Several of the world’s best crews lined up in the class.

In the basic round were twelve crews faultless, which is a high number. This in turn meant that to win the class it was necessary to ride really fast in the jump. And that was exactly what Malin Baryard Johnsson did.

– I had to take risks because those who rode before me had been very very fast.

Extra fast were Baryard Johnsson and Indiana during the final part of the course where they secured the victory. Malin and Indiana’s time of 34.71 was 38 hundredths faster than runner-up Harri Smolders and the horse Monaco from the Netherlands.

For the victory, Malin Baryard Johnsson received 100,000 euros, just over one million Swedish kronor.

The victory also means that she is qualified for the big super final in Prague in late autumn, where the winners of the Grand Prix jumps during the competitions in the Global Champions Tour make up for a prestigious and money-tight final.

In eighth place came Annika Axelsson and Cleo Z who were also flawless in the jump.

Previously during On Saturday, Malin Baryard Johnsson and Peder Fredricson rode the team competition Global Champions League. Before the first round, which was decided on Thursday, the Swedish duo competing for Stockholm’s Hearts were at the top. During Saturday’s second and decisive round, however, they fell to second place.

Malin Baryard Johnsson and Indiana were also faultless in the team competition while Peder Fredricson and Catch Me Not had four faults.
