One of Belgium’s richest families is damaged by a family drama with a fatal outcome. 70-year-old Baroness Myriam Ullens de Schooten Whettnall was shot dead by her stepson – a former security agent. The 57-year-old was unhappy with how the baroness handled the family’s affairs. The 70-year-old Baroness Myriam Ullens from Belgium is dead. The baroness was murdered in her car by her stepson, a former agent in the Belgian security service. Myriam Ullens, born Lechien, was found dead with four bullets in her head in her car at a house outside Brussels on Wednesday morning. Her 88-year-old husband, Baron Guy Ullens de Schooten Whettnall, was also in the car. He was also injured in connection with the shooting, TT reports. The baroness’s stepson turned himself in and allegedly confessed to the crime. – He was heard for the first time on Wednesday by the police. This morning he was also introduced to the investigator who will question him, prosecutor Marc Rézette told Belgian RTL News. Six shots were fired The stepson is said to have murdered the baroness because he did not like the way she handled the couple’s affairs. The perpetrator tells the police that he was waiting for the baron and baroness after a discussion at the couple’s home. Six bullets were fired at the stepmother. Guy Ullens de Schooten Whettnall, who was wounded in the leg, is one of the country’s richest men. Among other things, he is a co-owner of Weight Watchers, Weight Watchers International. The 57-year-old stepson has appeared extensively in the Belgian media in recent years, according to TT. Among other things, he accused the minister Didier Reynders of death threats. When Reynders became responsible for law and justice issues in the European Commission, he was not gracious in his criticism. – It’s like making Al Capone police chief in Chicago, he said then.
Baroness murdered by her stepson – after quarrel over money