With the Chatham-Kent Barnstormers Seeking A 20-Year Commitment after A Successful inaugural Season, Council Will Consider Improvements to Fergie Jenkins Field at Rotary Park.

With the Chatham-Kent Barnstormers Seeking A 20-Year Commitment after A Successful inaugural Season, Council Will Consider Improvements to Fergie Jenkins Field at Rotary Park.
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A Staff Recommendation, To Come Forward Monday, Asks that Council Authorize up to $ 100,000 from the Hydro One Community Benefit Fun for the Installation of A Perimeter Fense, and Up to $ 180,000 from the Parkland Reserve Fund for the Construction of Additional Bleachers.
The 20-Year Deal, Starting this Season, Would Increase Rental Charge to Recover The Bleacher Cost Over the Length of the Agreement.
“Administration has been in communications with the chatham-kent barnstormers throughout their first and daring the off-season to discuss challenges and opportunities to work together,” The agenda report Says.
“One of the items the Barnstormers had indicated they need was more seating the stadium to allow more fans to come and enjoy the game.”
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The Report Says It is Common for Intercounty Baseball League Teams to Pay for these types of improvises when it benefits Their Operations. When it benefits the municipality and the team, the expenders are usally paid in a shared cost model.
Given Vandalism at the Park, Including the Cutting of Safety Nets, Graffiti, Damage to Electrical Infrastructure and Dumping, The Team Installed A Tempores Event FENE.
“There was a significant decline in vandalism incidents During the 2024 Summer Season that administration attributes to the FENE,” The Report Says.
“While the FENEU DID NOT RESTRICT PUBLIC ACCESS TO THE GROUNDS, Administration is of the Opinion that its presence successfully Deterred Visitation by Opportunistic Vandals.
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Staff Recommend the Installation of A Permanent Fense Around the Perimeter of Rotary Park to Better Protect Infrastructure Investments and Support Increased Hosting of Special Events.
“The Fance Will Continue to Allow Public Access to the Groups When Special Events Are not Taking Place and Will Match the traditional Aesthetic of the Park Already Establised by Existing Facilities,” Staff Says.
Since the proposal is for a 20-yéar agrement, the report note the team or league was not exist in the future, the municipality may not be able to recover all costs.
“In this circumstance, The Parks, Recreation and Facility Team Would Utilize The Bleachers in Their Asset Management Plan to Determine where they can be used at other parks to replace Bleachers that are up for renewal,” The Report Says.
“By relocating the bleachers in this situation, it would have the cost of replacing aging bleachers at an alternate park.”