Barnier government: two new ministers appointed this Friday?

Barnier government two new ministers appointed this Friday

11:29 – The Élysée procrastinates while awaiting the return of Emmanuel Macron

Only a few hours after Matignon’s announcement concerning potential new ministers to complete the government team, this Wednesday, the Élysée Palace wanted to recall a few points of detail: “the appointments of ministers are made by an Élysée press release , which will only be published after the HATVP verifications”, we can read in the columns of Politico. “Traditionally, the President of the Republic is in France when the appointment is made,” specifies a close friend of the Head of State to Politico. However, Emmanuel Macron has not yet returned from his trip to North America (United States and Canada), he landed today in Paris.

10:36 – A nomination delayed… by the Élysée?

Why was the appointment of the two new delegate ministers postponed from Wednesday to this Friday? Politico evokes a “slight reframing” of the Prime Minister’s office by the Elysée. Matignon would have been a little too eager to appoint these two new members of the government, but how could it be otherwise? For several days, stakeholders and associations in the world of disability have been outraged by the absence of a ministry dedicated to these issues. This is why Michel Barnier tried to react quickly, perhaps a little too much for Emmanuel Macron.

09:48 – A government of 41 ministers this Friday?

While Michel Barnier brings together his government team this Friday at 3 p.m. in Matignon, two new ministers could be appointed. According to information from Politico, the new Minister for Veterans Affairs and the Minister for People with Disabilities could even be present this afternoon, with the Prime Minister. Initially, the announcements were hoped for this Wednesday, a timing which perhaps did not convince the Élysée.
