Barnier government: a first motion of censure, explanations from the left

Barnier government a first motion of censure explanations from the

The Prime Minister faces this Friday the first motion of censure filed against his government by the left. The NFP points to the “negation of the result of the last legislative elections”.

19:15 – Only one NFP deputy is not among the signatories of the motion of censure, why?

As Franceinfo noted, Kanak independence activist Emmanuel Tjibaou did not sign the motion of censure tabled this Friday by the left against the government. He is the only one of the 193 deputies affiliated with the New Popular Front not to have done so. It must be said that on Wednesday, the day after Michel Barnier’s general policy declaration, the elected official was less critical than his peers, even welcoming the Prime Minister’s “constructive approach” concerning New Caledonia, where his constituency.

17:26 – The NFP highlights the “political orientations of the Barnier government”

The motion of censure against the Barnier government will be examined next Tuesday at 5 p.m. in the National Assembly. A choice motivated by the composition of the new government team, which “is a negation of the result of the last legislative elections”, and “the political orientations of the Barnier government”. “All democrats must be concerned about the authoritarian drift of Macron and its first usurper Michel Barnier”, launches La France Insoumise on its x account (formerly Twitter).

17:10 – Can the left’s motion of censure overthrow the government?

Will the motion of censure tabled by the left this Friday succeed in overthrowing the government? Little chance, because if the Prime Minister is only supported by 220 elected officials, he can count on the National Rally (RN) which has no plans to support censorship. At least not so soon.

3:45 p.m. – The left files a motion of censure against Michel Barnier

The left has just tabled a motion of censure against Prime Minister Michel Barnier, signed by 192 deputies of the New Popular Front. It will be debated on Tuesday October 8 and will be defended by the first secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure. “The existence of this government, in its composition and its orientations, is a negation of the result of the last legislative elections,” indicates the text. The RN has already made it known that it will not vote for it.

15:28 – Michel Barnier announces the release of 75 million euros for certain farmers

In a context of certain budgetary tension, and at the dawn of significant savings notably thanks to taxation, Michel Barnier is traveling this Friday to the Livestock Summit. He announced the release of an “envelope of 75 million euros” to help farmers affected by sheep fever. The tenant of Matignon assures on site that he has “forgotten nothing about the protests, the anger and the suffering” of the agricultural world, nine months after the large demonstrations in the sector

12:44 – A former Secretary of State responsible for the Budget skeptical of the savings announced by Barnier

“In the effort that we are going to make to reduce the debt, 60 billion, there will be a two-thirds reduction in public spending,” indicated Michel Barnier Thursday evening on France 2. A cut in the 2025 budget which does not seem to convince anyone former Secretary of State for the Budget. In the columns of France Info, Christian Eckert “does not see how we are going to find 40 billion euros” in spending reductions. With “eight billion” levied on “the 300 largest companies” and “two billion on the wealthiest taxpayers” we “are only at ten billion”, he comments. If he puts forward “intentions which are laudable”, he “doubts that they will be respected”.

11:56 – Debates on the 2025 budget will begin on October 21

For the 2025 draft budget, a file on which Michel Barnier does not rule out recourse to article 49.3 of the Constitution, the debates will begin in the National Assembly on October 21 according to AFP. The finance bill will first have to be adopted by the Council of Ministers, potentially on October 10. The first part of the text relating to state revenue will then be examined between October 21 and 25 in the Lower House of Parliament. “A solemn vote is planned for October 29, before the second part, on expenditure, is debated from November 5,” specifies BFMTV.

11:03 – Immigration: “we must respond to the reception crisis”, advises Manuel Bompard

After Michel Barnier spoke on the France 2 set, LFI coordinator Manuel Bompard spoke on the burning subject of immigration. “The country has seen more than 20 immigration laws pass. They have not resolved or improved anything. France knows how to welcome. We must respond to the reception crisis and tackle the causes of departure. We must change radically of logic”, he advises, while the tenant of Matignon wishes to “better control immigration”, without creating a new law.

10:28 – “I’m the one who draws the line” on immigration says the Prime Minister

On the immigration side, Michel Barnier wants to “apply the rules to better” control it. And the tenant of Matignon was firm on the matter this Thursday evening on France 2: “It’s me who sets the line” on immigration, and “there will be rigorous measures to control (it). “We have just legislated, we are going to apply the rules to better control immigration, to welcome those we want to welcome and those who have the right to be welcomed into our country because they are refugees,” a- he declared. On the other hand, no new law on immigration will be announced, as desired by Marine Le Pen.

10:04 – What is article 49.3?

Paragraph 3 of Article 49 of the Constitution, commonly known as 49.3, appears in Title V of the Constitution. This legal system serves to regulate “relations between the government and Parliament”. The Prime Minister is the person who can use it after deliberation by the Council of Ministers. It is then possible to suspend the examination of a particularly controversial bill within the National Assembly, and therefore of all the negotiations that accompany it. This would allow the presidential camp to force a text through, therefore without a vote, despite opposition, and to speed up the legislative procedure, in particular by putting an end to possible obstruction by parliamentarians.

09:59 – “If we don’t succeed, we will use the 49.3”, says Barnier

Guest of Caroline Roux Thursday evening on France 2, Michel Barnier developed some of the points he had already addressed during his general policy declaration two days earlier. On the other hand, if the Prime Minister “would like” that the 2025 budget could be adopted by the National Assembly, he could not ensure that it would not force itself on the subject. “There is no majority so we will see. I would like it to be adopted by the National Assembly. It will be a difficult, serious and responsible budget. But if we do not succeed, we will use the 49.3, which is a tool of the Constitution”, indicates the Prime Minister.
