The transfer of power took place at Bercy, this Sunday, September 22. Antoine Armand and Laurent Saint-Martin are now in place. The opportunity to continue the listing of the avenues envisaged by the Prime Minister to find the path to budgetary recovery, while the deficit is dangerously close to 6% of GDP, the debt is expected to reach around 3,000 billion euros, and France is now placed under increased surveillance by European institutions.
” Every minute spent at Bercy must be dedicated to the French. » Newly installed, the new Minister ofEconomy spoke this Sunday. Our job in this world is to make things easier for businesses and those who work there. “, said Antoine Armand on the occasion of his handover of power with Bruno Le Maire.
It is about supporting them and not burdening them with standards that are sometimes useless or contradictory, and ensuring that all French people who work have a decent salary.
The young man, just 33 years old, has promised to lead ” the fight for industrial, technological and digital sovereignty, while political and economic megapowers are putting it in danger “. But also ” the fight for more robust public finances without which we will always depend on others “.
” Obviously, value does not wait for the number of years. “, his predecessor commented philosophically. Bruno Le Maire, who spent seven years at Bercy, offered Mr. Armand ” a walking stick that will be used to cross passes, but also a weapon of defense to face the numerous dangers that you will encounter on your way “.
“Returning to the path of sovereignty and independence”
For his part, the new Budget Minister, Laurent Saint-Martin, placed not under the authority of his roommate at Bercy, but under that of the Prime Minister Michel Barnierconfirmed that there would be ” strong choices to assume ” with a view to achieving the recovery of public finances. He intends to go into more detail ” in the coming days in Parliament “.
We cannot structurally redress a country’s public finances without first reviving its activity, without first regaining its attractiveness and competitiveness. Yes, there will be tough choices to make.
In his eyes, “ Today, it is a question of facing a new collective challenge, of resuming the path to sovereignty and independence by controlling our public finances. “, he believes. Three axes: ” Funding government priorities, consolidating what works in our country and reducing public spending, while ensuring that it improves its efficiency. »
” Lots of power but no magic powers »
As the budget deadline approaches, the Prime Minister has therefore decided to divide the keys to the economy and finance between these two ministers, both thirty-something and Macronists. While keeping within his direct remit, under his authority, the explosive question of the budget, his main mission in the time allotted to him.
In the draft finance bill (PLF) for the year 2025, which he hopes to be able to present at the beginning of October, perhaps on the 9th, the head of government and his team will have to detail how they intend to go about getting things back on track, while the France is now in a budgetary situation “ very serious “, according to Michel Barnier.
Bruno Le Maire warned this Sunday, in front of the new tenants of the premises, that “between the walls” of Bercy, “ there is a lot of power but no magic powers “. ” You will not find in a drawer of my office some miracle recipe to restore our public accounts. ” he continued.
You will only find solid, documented spending reduction proposals, in line with what we have been undertaking since the end of 2023 and which has been interrupted by political circumstances for several months.
To rereadNew government in France: Antoine Armand and Laurent Saint-Martin, two thirty-something Macronists at Bercy
” We hope that the “SME friendly” policy will be maintained »
More than three and a half months after the dissolution of the National Assembly, employers’ organizations are, in fact, welcoming the composition of a new government, at last. They now want to get to work as quickly as possible, like the leading employers’ organization in France, the Medef. The emergency, This is to reassure the financial markets “, argues Daniel Weizmann, president of the employers’ union in the Île-de-France region, at the microphone of Nicolas Feldmannfrom the RFI Economy department. For businesses can restart their projects which have been halted due to the political situation. »
While the government is expected to come up with more specific ideas for finalising the next budget, the Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises, the CPME, has set its red line: no tax increases for the companies whose interests it defends, in other words SMEs. Savings will be needed in the budget, but be careful not to penalize businesses, defends Bernard Cohen Hadad, president of the organization in Île-de-France. We hope that the “SME friendly” policy will be maintained. Be careful not to sacrifice employment. »
In recent weeks, the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) has revealed a way to save 3 billion euros: cut aid to businesses. Will these options be taken up by the new government or not? The bosses are waiting for the general policy speech to have the beginnings of an answer. It is scheduled for October 1.

” Our debt is issued on international markets »
In the meantime, Michel Barnier has closed the day’s sequence by going to the France 2 set. The Prime Minister confirmed that he intended to ask ” the richest to take part in the solidarity effort “. ” I am not going to exclude, in the national effort that will have to be made, that the most fortunate people participate. “But without” further increase taxes on all French people “.
I am not going to increase taxes further on all French people who already pay the most taxes of all European partners (…) Neither on the poorest people, nor on people who work, nor on the middle classes.
He also confirmed that large companies should be concerned: ” I do not want to aggravate the double ecological and financial debt, so we must make a collective effort to control spending. This can be done in particular with targeted levies on wealthy individuals, or certain large companies. »
The head of government expressed his concern about the risk of a loss of confidence in Paris by the markets. A large part of our debt is issued on international, external markets. France’s credibility must be maintained “, defends Michel Barnier.
Read alsoFrance: the expected winners and losers of the 2025 budget
Tourism industry professionals rejoice
Finally, it should be noted that tourism sector stakeholders are delighted with the appointment of Marina Ferrari, the new Minister Delegate for the Tourism Economy, according to her job title. They are asking her to ” capitalize ” on the Olympic effect to boost revenue, but they are also wary of possible new taxes or cuts.
Tourism, explained Ms Ferrari at Bercy this Sunday, ” It’s a French pride ” And “ It is a powerful economic engine ” And to add that the year 2024 should therefore constitute ” a record year ” in this area, thanks in particular, she confirmed, to ” the effect Olympic Games and Paralympic “.
France, the world’s leading tourist destination, still has many challenges to overcome.
” There is the word “economy”, and not just “tourism”, in the portfolio, it is a plus “, noted this Sunday to AFP René-Marc Chikli, president of the Syndicate of Tour Operating Companies (Seto). Priority for professionals in the sector: ” Increase revenue “, “ keep the number of tourists ” And “ support businesses “.