And now, dissolution! This second five-year term is definitely like no other. THE last reshuffle with Gabriel Attal at its head is already far away, European elections have barely ended when the president decides to call legislative elections. More than ever, behind the scenes, some are learning to dodge tripping, others are familiarizing themselves with the art of conspiracy, in short, everyone is preparing for the post-Emmanuel Macron era with rigor and determination.
Ciotti intrigues even in the government
But what bug has bitten him? The right is trying to understand the solitary escape of Eric Ciotti, marginalized at LR after his alliance with the National Rally. The executive too. A minister from the right first sees it as the personal adventure of an ambitious man, who watches the clock tick: “But taking elected officials hostage like this is incredible. He did this in his corner, without warning person !” And this fine connoisseur of the right added: “He would like to kill LR, he wouldn’t do it any other way.”
The Macronists decode Sarkozy
The interview with Nicolas Sarkozy in the Sunday newspaper was obviously read closely by Emmanuel Macron’s friends, who do not only support the former president’s charge against the dissolution. “When he emphasizes that the head of state only has three years left in him and that he does not dispute his real skills on the one hand, and that he insists on the youth of Jordan Bardella, it is is a way of saying two things to Macron: that he must rely on those who know and that he, Sarkozy, is the key to openness. It’s a huge appeal!”, one wants to believe. close to the current president.
© / The Express
Charon new influencer
The role of Pierre Charon at the Elysée is not only the talk of the Macronists. Nicolas Sarkozy’s friends are also talking about it. “The truth is that today he has an influence that he never had when Nicolas was in power, to the point of being nicknamed the Laughter and Songs advisor, which angered him” , says a traveling companion of the former president. Today, we attribute to him – and he lends himself – a certain weight in decision-making, in particular for this famous dissolution.
Glucksmann (really) prefers Berger to Ruffin
Last week, while the New Popular Front negotiations were in full swing and Raphaël Glucksmann’s “Berger Prime Minister” plan was not really taking off, the Place publique MEP wondered whether there was not a option bis. The idea of appointing Boris Vallaud to Matignon is certainly gaining ground, but some dare to ask him: “Ruffin, can’t that be an option?” Because if the rebels win the most constituencies and form the dominant group on the left after July 7, the plan of the socialists – who want to reverse the balance of power with Mélenchon – falls apart. Couldn’t the Ruffin card help them all things considered?” Glucksmann hesitates, but remains determined: “Me, I stick with Laurent Berger.”
Baroin, birth of a rumor
On April 29, Emmanuel Macron decorated Maurice Lévy. In the village hall, François Baroin has many asides with everyone. His interlocutors come to the same conclusion: the mayor of Troyes, former minister of Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy, has in no way renounced Matignon. And it is since that day that the little Baroin rumor has been circulating in Paris. Will it crash against the wall of dissolution?
Bardella still does not convince Medef
He was expected around the corner, even accompanied by Eric Ciotti. The president of the National Rally was interviewed this Thursday by Medef as part of the legislative elections. One point in particular intrigued the bosses: the question of pensions. What is, ultimately, the position of the far-right party on the subject? “It’s very clear, begins Jordan Bardella while Eric Ciotti gradually sinks into his seat. I hope that those who started working before the age of 20 can leave at 60 with 40 annuities. Beyond that, we had set the progressiveness at 62 years, as indicated in Marine Le Pen’s presidential program, but this project took into account a financial state of the country which had 300 billion euros less debt, therefore, beyond there is a progression, we are targeting 62 years before giving you a timetable I want to know the budgetary margins that are in my possession.” It’s clear ? Response, at the back of the room: “It’s nonsense, we don’t understand anything.” Assessment on the Medef side: can do better.