Bardella in fashion? The RN boss is even on sweatshirts!

Bardella in fashion The RN boss is even on sweatshirts

Jordan Bardella now seems to appeal beyond the RN supporters of whom he is president. A range of ready-to-wear clothing bearing his image has even appeared on the web.

The term political UFO suits it perfectly. Elected president of the National Rally on November 5, 2022 at just 27 years old, Jordan Bardella stands out in the French political landscape with the ease he demonstrated during various televised debates during the last presidential campaign. Bardella is “in fashion”, that’s undeniable. Fashionable, to the point of being included in an entire ready-to-wear collection. On Amazon, a series of clothes, from t-shirts to sweaters and tank tops, feature the portrait of the native of Drancy in Seine-Saint-Denis. A collection which notably highlights the slogan “Bardella 2027”.

President Macron’s praise for Jordan Bardella

The fashion effect does not stop at this curiosity of the internet. Jordan Bardella also arouses interest in the political class and in particular that ofEmmanuel Macron. Both were present last August during the Saint-Denis Meetings to try to find compromises on immigration or National Education. And the least we can say is that the president of the National Rally did not leave the head of state indifferent. “Do you know why he has all this charm in Bardella? The president of the RN fascinates him because he is even younger” someone close to Emmanuel Macron reportedly declared to The Express. An image and communication which also earned the new strong man of the National Rally the growing sympathy of the French.

The president of the RN acclaimed by the French

When the French are asked the following question: do you have a positive or negative image of this political figure? At 33%, they say yes regarding Jordan Bardella. A figure published in the last Elabe Barometer For The echoes. This is 2 points more than in December 2023 for the president of the National Rally. Ahead of him, only Édouard Philippe (1st), Gabriel Attal (2nd) and Marine Le Pen (3rd) can boast of achieving better scores.

But it is in the minds of Emmanuel Macron’s voters that Bardella is making meteoric progress. 24% of them say they have a “very positive” or “rather positive” image of the RN strongman. That is to say an increase of 6 points in one month, still according to the last Elabe Barometer. Next step for him, the European elections of June 9, 2024, as head of the National Rally list.
