Bannon is sentenced to four months in prison

Bannon is sentenced to four months in prison

Published: Less than 1 hour ago

Updated: Less than 20 min ago

fullscreenSteve Bannon gets four months in prison for contempt of Congress. Photo: Nathan Howard/AP/TT

Steve Bannon, former adviser to ex-president Donald Trump, is sentenced to four months in prison for contempt of Congress – the equivalent of contempt of court.

In addition to the prison sentence, Bannon must pay a fine of 6,500 dollars, equivalent to around 74,000 kroner. However, the judge allows Bannon to remain free pending a possible appeal.

The controversial right-wing populist has refused to be questioned about the storming of the US Capitol building last year. Bannon was convicted in July, but the verdict was announced on Friday.

– This unjust regime, its judgment day is November 8 when the Biden administration comes to an end, Bannon said on his way into court on Friday, referring to the upcoming midterm elections.

Bannon has long argued that he did not have to appear before the congressional investigation, citing the special protections that encompass the presidency. But according to prosecutors and other legal experts, he is not covered by the legal protection.

– Frankly, Mr. Bannon should not apologize. “No American should apologize for the way Mr. Bannon acted in this case,” Bannon’s lawyer, David Schoen, said before the sentencing.

However, Bannon has previously changed his attitude and stated that he is willing to allow himself to be questioned about the events that led to the storming in which five people lost their lives. But despite the complete reversal, the trial was carried out.
