Banks, Fisac ​​Cgil: from maxi useful to Risiko, on stake billions of savings

Banks Fisac ​​Cgil from maxi useful to Risiko on stake

(Finance) – Record useful for approximately 25 billion And maxi dividends for the record figure of 21 billion scored by banks last year. While the branches (-5%) and is reduced, albeit less than the past, theemployment (-1.2%). It is the FISAC CGIL To take the photograph at the end of 2024 of the banking system, in the report by the Studies and Research Office on the budgets of the first seven bank groups (Intesa Sanpaolo, Unicredit, BBPM, MPS, Bper, Popular of Sondrio And Credem), on the eve of the first of five Risiko operations: the Banco Bpm opa on Soul sgr.

With the closure of yet another, the third, record year for large banking groups, the way to new operations of merger in the sector. “The constant growth of the profitability – reads the FISAC CGIL report – the major groups have allowed the consolidation of capital surplus and liquidity available for M&A operations“.

Five le operations At the moment in the field, or Unicredit on BBPM, MPS on Mediobanca, Bper on Banca Popolare di Sondrio, Ifis on Illimity And, as mentioned, BPM on Soul, which affect over 100 thousand workers and workers, about a third of all employees under the ABI contract. Operations in which, supports the general secretary of the Fisac ​​Cgil, Susy Esposito“an orientation to support the work, the economy and the country must emerge with greater clarity, rather than the creation of financial advantages for banks and their shareholders. In fact, we want more employment in the sector and more attention to the effects of digital transformation and issues related to sustainable development, Italy and Europe”.

We are on the eve, therefore, of an operation of reabsoing systemic which has, according to the Fisac ​​CGIL report, three main determinants: WLA provided for the contraction of the margin of interestthe growing weight of managed savings and not least the reconfiguration of the global geopolitical space “. And a challenge:” The conquest of a growing slice of a cake that applies beyond 5,100 billion eurosgenerating the volumes necessary to achieve the objectives in terms of turnover and remuneration even in a period of lower interest rates “. The total at the end of 2024 of the direct collection for Italian banks is equal to 2,095 billion, of which 1,506 billion filed with the first 7 banking groups. The indirect collection amounts to 3,045 billion, with the top 7 banks that manage 1,728 billion, corresponding to 56.8% of the total.

From the maxi useful to the banking Risiko, the general secretary of the FISAC CGIL, Susy Esposito, observes. “Remune adequately workers he is workers through the bargain Second level, grow the employment of the sector, tackle the issue of the impact of new technologies in the transformations and support the real economy of the country. These are the elements that we claim in the light of the extraordinary, the umpteenth, record data scored by the banking system for the third consecutive year. Themes that – he adds – we strongly relaunch at this convulsive phase of the system reorganization. In fact, there is a need for the meter of measurement of these operations to be not only financial alchemies but also and above all the benefits on the occupation and real economy front “.

Entering specifically the report on the budget data of the first 7 banking groups of the Fisac ​​CGIL emerges a solid growth of all Main financial data In 2024, starting fromnet profit which reached 24,854 million, marking a growth of 7.6%. The dividends fly, increased by 31.9% in one year and tripled between 2021 and 2024; The overall remuneration to shareholders, in the form of a dividend or buyback, reaches the record figure of 21.1 billion euros, +292% in the past three -year period.

The growth of the collection direct while the loans confirm the descending trend that characterized the previous three years, with a reduction in the Loan/deposits ratio (78.2% in December 2024). Finally, always with reference to the 7 groups, the decrease in the number of counters in Italy continues (-5.0%), now at 10,039, which is accompanied by a slight reduction of the total staff (-1.2%) compared to the previous year, now to 237,878. In particular, the decline in employees In Italy it was 1.1%: the drop is therefore less than that of the last five years. Employees in Italy are now 169,421.

(Photo: © Alessandro0770 | 123rf)
