Bank of Italy, loans to the private sector slowing down in April

Bank of Italy loans to the private sector slowing down

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Lending to the private sector slowed in April mainly due to the corporate credit crunch. That’s what matters Bank of Italy in the latest monthly publication “Banks and money: national series”, which shows that loans to the private sector, corrected on the basis of the harmonized methodology agreed within the European System of Central Banks, are decreased by 0.5% year on year after the +0.3% recorded the previous month.

In more detail, i household loans they grew by 1.4% on year after the +1.9 recorded the previous month, while those to businesses decreased by 1.9% after the -1.1% of the previous month.

On the collection front, i deposits of the private sector are decreased by 3.4% on year, in line with the -3.2% recorded the previous month, while the bond collectionwhich registers a 9.4% increase after the +8.9 of the previous month.

As for the rates charged to customersthose on loans mortgages inclusive of ancillary costs, they stood at an average of 4.52% from 4.36% in March while the APR of new disbursements of consumer credit stood at 10.29% from 10.12% in March. The rates charged on business financing were equal to 4.52% from the previous 4.30%): those for amounts up to 1 million euro at 4.85% and those on loans for amounts exceeding this threshold at 4.26%. Passive rates on deposits amounted to 0.64% in ina with 0.60% in March.
