Bank contract, Patuelli (ABI): “it must be renewed in a farsighted and sustainable way. The unions are satisfied

Bank contract Patuelli ABI it must be renewed in a

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – The bank contract must be renewed, For “protect the purchasing power of workers” And “fostering second-level bargaining”, but it will have to be a “farsighted and sustainable” update, which takes into account the changes in the banking world. The ABI president said so, Antonio Patuelliin the report to the annual meeting of the association that brings together Italian banks.

“It is necessary to update the national contract, to protect the purchasing power of workers, favor second-level bargaining which also includes i ‘company awards’, in a very diverse and competitive banking world that is changing very rapidly,” Patuelli said, but needs an update “forward-looking and sustainable”.

“The forthcoming renewal of the national banking contract is a fundamental test for the sector and for its industrial relations, which must continue to be characterized, as underlined by the president Antonio Patuelli in his report to the ABI Assembly, for foresight and constructive spirit. Italian banks are not only companies in competition with each other, but they are part of a system, which as such has shown that it moves when bailouts are carried out through the Deposit Guarantee Fund, which should operate as a priority to prevent rather than just to bear the costs of banking crises”. The declares it general secretary of First CISL Riccardo Colombani.

“In the unitary platform we asked that the salary increase respond to the need to protect purchasing power but also to redistribute part of productivity, which is one of the reasons for the extraordinary growth in profits achieved by banks. In any case, in this context, the role of collective bargaining in banks and banking groups remains fundamental, which is responsible – concluded Colombani – for the task of guaranteeing further salary increases also through “company bonuses”, as well as the management of that are maturing in the organization of work”.

“Well done Patuelli on the renewal of the bank contract, now the negotiations must take off to give an answer to the workers, as well as to the country as a whole”. So the general secretary of Fisac ​​CGIL, Susie Esposito, on the sidelines of the ABI meeting.

“President Patuelli’s exhortation to consider the commitment to the new national collective labor agreement of the 280,000 credit workers to be decisive for the regeneration of ‘constructive and far-sighted’ industrial relations is fully acceptable – Esposito points out -. All the more in view of a recovery that is weakening, as also stated by the governor of the Bank of Italy Visco, as well as due to the restrictive effect of the same rate increase by the European Central Bank”.

For the general secretary of Fisac ​​CGIL, “it is essential to increase the purchasing power of workers in the banking sector, expand employment, increase rights, protection and inclusiveness, extend welfare and govern the transformations underway together, starting with the digital one. Other than stalemate, the negotiations for the new contract must get off the ground. For the good of male and female workers, but above all for the future of the national economy and the entire country system, given the social and leverage role for the development of the financial sector”, concludes Esposito.
