Banco BPM, issued 750 million euro green bond. Orders for 3.2 billion

Banco BPM covered bonds placed for 500 million

(Finance) – BPM desk has successfully placed one new Green Senior Non Preferred issuewith a maturity of six years and the possibility of early repayment in January 2029, for an amount equal to 750 million euros. The orders, exceeding 3.2 billion euros, equal to four times the amount issued with requests from over 200 investors, “confirm the growing recognition by investors of the name Banco BPM”, we read in a note .

The stock was issued at a price of 99.537% and pays one fixed coupon of 4.875%.

This is the second issue, the first in Green format, under the new Framework. With this one, I am eight ESG issues have been placed so far with a total collection of 5 billion euros.

The investors who participated in the operation are mainly asset managers (67%) and banks (23%), while the geographical distribution sees the prevalent presence of foreign investors (including the United Kingdom with 31%, France with 13%, Germany with 10% and Nordic countries with 8%) and Italy with 26%.

Banca Akros (related party), BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank, Intesa Sanpaolo, Nomura, Societe Generale they acted in their capacity Joint Bookrunners.
