Banca MPS adheres to an agreement between CDP and the Ministry of Agriculture

Banca MPS adheres to an agreement between CDP and the

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Bank Monte dei Paschi di Sienaas a lending bank, has adhered to the agreement stipulated between Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and the Ministry of Agriculture for the management of loans in the context of IV and V Call “Supply chain and district contracts”.

These are measures that they make available aid to agricultural supply chains and agri-food through grants provided by the Ministry e low-interest loans granted by CDP.

The convention aims to promote collaboration and integration between the various actors to ensure positive effects on agricultural production. The tenders also focus on interventions related to sustainabilitya theme that has long been integrated into Banca MPS’s business decisions.

“Agriculture is an integral part of the history of Monte dei Paschi di Siena and, in over five centuries, we have been protagonists in the development of this sector”, he says Maurice BaiChief Commercial Officer Business and Private of BMPs (in the photo).

“Adherence to the agreement with CDP and MASAF – continues the manager – strengthens the Bank’s intervention in support of the sector, also in line with the Group Strategic Plan presented last June. MPS Agroalimentare includes professionals for personalized consultancy, centers specialists located in the areas with the greatest agricultural vocation of the country and strategic financial services tailored to the needs of the PNRR”.

THE supply chain contracts agribusiness represent a facilitating tool intended to facilitate the reorganization processes of the relationships between subjects belonging to the entire supply chain, from the production, transformation, marketing and distribution phases of agricultural and agri-food products, also in the light of the conversion underway in the various sectors. The financial interventions include a public support, through a grant provided by MASAF, and a loan – one of which at a subsidized rate granted by CDP e a share granted by the lending bank.
