Banca Generali runs on the stock market after above-expected profits

Banca Generali runs on the stock market after above expected profits

(Finance) – The accounts for the first quarter of 2022 make the title of Banca Generali which today earns more than 2 percentage points, proposing itself as one of the liveliest in Piazza Affari. The Bank led by CEO Gian Maria Mossa today presented the quarterly data from which emerges a consolidated net profit of 68.3 million euros in the period, higher than analysts’ estimates which indicated a level of around 59 million.

Furthermore, the data relating to the recurring component profit. This one registered in growth of 43%, highlighting Banca Generali’s ability to generate value even in a complex context for markets such as that of this 2022.

During the call with the analysts, the CEO Gian Maria Mossa confirmed the financial targets despite the fact that the global macroeconomic context is very different from that of 14 February, the day on which Banca Generali’s three-year business plan for 2022-24 was presented.
