Banca Finnat announces the passing of Honorary President Giampietro Nattino

Banca Finnat announces the passing of Honorary President Giampietro Nattino

(Finance) – With immense sorrow Finnat Bank announces the disappearance of the Honorary President Giampietro Nattinowhich leaves a large and unfillable void.

The CEO Arturo Nattinothe Board of Directors, the Board of Auditors, the managers and all employees of the Bank and of the Banca Finnat Euramerica Group They remember with emotion the extraordinary human and professional qualities which have always distinguished him throughout his long career.

A graduate in Economics and Commerce from the University of Rome, Nattino was a Cavaliere del Lavoro and a Cavaliere di Gran Croce of the Italian Republic and was a Member of the Euro Committee (Ministry of the Treasury, Finance Subcommittee).

During his long career he has held numerous important positionsincluding: President of Unione Immobiliare SpA, of Uniorias Due SpA, of Pirelli Cavi e Sistemi Telecom SpA and of Sodali SpA.

He has also been a member of the Board of Directors of: Buitoni Perugina, Interfund SA, Società Cattolica di Assicurazione SpA, Pirelli & C. Real Estate SpA, Generali Investimenti Alternativi Sgr SpA, Banque Privée Fideuram Paris, INA Assitalia, Banca Fideuram SpA, Generali Sgr and London Stock Exchange plc London.

Among other roles, he was also a councilor of the Accademia Filarmonica Romana and a councilor of the Fondazione per il Tuo cuore Onlus.
