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Why spend hundreds of euros on cosmetics when a simple banana can overcome dryness, redness, and other wrinkles deemed undesirable? A question that some TikTok users no longer ask themselves, swearing only by this fruit with its thick yellow skin which, again according to social users, works real miracles!
What would we do without TikTokers? We knew the virtues of the banana for satiety, increased energy, even intestinal health, we are now discovering its benefits for the skin thanks to users of the Chinese social network. At least that’s what is being rumored on the Asian platform, which has had fun transforming the famous yellow fruit into a beauty essential. New fad, yet another crazy tip or real miracle product, the main stakeholders seem in any case to firmly believe that bananas can help them get rid of redness and wrinkles. The code name for this trend: ‘banana botox’, and it already has more than five million views on the favorite social media of younger generations.
Banana Botox, the latest beauty fad on TikTok
We know that grandmother’s recipes and ancestral beauty secrets are unanimously appreciated on social networks because they allow you to use natural products without having to spend a fortune. And if some are really effective, like the salt scrub, the hair removal with sugar and honey, the hair mask with rice water, or the toothpaste based on bicarbonate, others give rise to trends and completely crazy tricks. This is what we can see today with ‘banana botox’, which, according to some users, can have the same effects – or almost – as botulinum toxin. An entire program.
To benefit from these benefits, all you need to do is peel a banana (possibly eat it, but that is not the subject), then rub your face delicately with the inside of the skin of the fruit, then leave the residue for about ten minutes. All that would remain is to rinse everything off and continue your usual beauty routine to discover smoother, more radiant and more elastic skin, free of the marks linked to the passage of time. The only problem is that this trend is not based on any scientific evidence. To date, there is no study to confirm that bananas have the same benefits as botox.
On TikTok, “fake tips” are the bane
This tip, which is therefore not one, is reminiscent of another, dating from spring 2022. A dermatologist also praised the merits of bananas, used by her own mother aged over 70, arguing in particular that the fruit was packed with nutrients, like potassium, zinc, amino acids, and a host of vitamins. Which would have moisturizing, exfoliating, antioxidant and anti-aging properties. Like a sense of deja vu…
Dermato Drey, a dermatologist practicing in France for more than ten years, a must-have on social networks, explained to us: “This is one of the reasons why I started videos on Tiktok! There was so much nonsense…dangerous recipes or just scams to sell anything. Sometimes it starts from a good feeling, wanting to be useful by spreading a so-called miracle recipe, but honestly if acne could be cured by applying slices of banana or potato to the face, it wouldn’t there wouldn’t be as many people suffering from it“.
Note also that botox is attracting immense interest on social networks, with users looking for alternatives that are both economical and natural. We have recently seen this with the craze for the ‘flax seeds mask’, a flax seed mask also supposed to guarantee virtues similar to those of botulinum toxin.