Ban on dancing and scurrows were allowed back at gamescom, causing further scandals

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The brawl between streamers Kilian “Tanzverbot” Heinrich, Kevin “Orangemorange” Bongers and Theo “Scurrows” Bottländer at gamescom 2022 made headlines even outside of the gaming community. Nevertheless, the participants were back at the trade fair shortly afterwards, but immediately attracted attention again.

This is the history: On Friday evening, August 26th, there were fisticuffs between several German streamers at gamescom 2022. One of those involved, Tanzban, apparently bothers about the others’ casino streams.

– gamescom: conflict between twitch streamers ban on dancing vs orangemorange escalates into physical attack – new statements

Why were they still allowed to go to gamescom? Apparently those involved had a conversation with the management of gamescom. Scurrows said on Twitter that management had approached them.

Accordingly, “the opposite side” expressed an interest in wanting to be at the fair without stress. For Scurrows, that was the end of the matter.

Not everyone was enthusiastic about it. Everyone involved should have been excluded from this and the next gamescom (via Twitter), according to some voices from the community.

Disclaimer: Webedia Gaming (GameStar, GamePro, MeinMMO) accompanies the games fair 2022 as the official media partner of gamescom.

Scurrows takes on TikTok

This was going on at TikTok: As announced in advance on the social media platform, TikTok was represented with its own stand at gamescom this year. That’s exactly what Scurrows targeted in a video posted Aug. 27 (via Twitter).

The video shows Scurrows strolling through the fair, then heading to the TikTok booth and messing with the employees there.

This is what Scurrows wants from TikTok: The streamer stands up for the former kickboxer and content creator Andrew Tate, of all people. He has often been criticized for misogynistic statements and was blocked from several social media platforms just a few days ago.

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Scurrows called for the controversial internet personality to be unblocked. After being turned away by the bewildered stand staff, he began loudly chanting “Free Andrew Tate.”

Here’s how Scurrow’s action came across: Almost 735,000 views on Twitter. People there couldn’t understand at all why Scurrows “feels like this” or why people celebrate him. One user noted that even Scurrows’ companions are ashamed of him (via Twitter).

No entry for dancing ban

So it went on for Tanzban: For “the other side”, as Scurrows had called the ban on dancing, the gamescom visit after the argument was anything but smooth. He reached out to his fans through social media.

The streamer said he visited Saturn’s Xperion E Arena “in good spirits” but was denied entry. Ban on dancing couldn’t understand that, after all he didn’t do anything (via Twitter).

Xperion has now made a statement via Twitter. It says there is no bad blood, you just couldn’t guarantee the safety of dancing bans. However, the decision would be confirmed by the “impulsive” video released by Tanzban (via Twitter).

Gamescom 2022 also revolved around influencers and internet personalities. The biggest German twitch streamer, MontanaBlack, was followed by a huge crowd throughout the fair. The personality cult surrounding Monte even attracted international attention:

German twitch streamer MontanaBlack is welcomed like a world star at gamescom, even xQc is amazed
