Baltic countries close their borders to cars registered in Belarus | News in brief

Baltic countries close their borders to cars registered in Belarus

Estonia and Lithuania announce that in the future cars registered in Belarus may not enter the country across the border of Russia or Belarus. Latvia announced the same restriction earlier this week.

17.7. 23:31•Updated 17.7. 23:36

Estonia and Lithuania say that cars registered in Belarus will not be allowed to cross the border of Russia or Belarus in the future. Latvia announced a similar restriction earlier this week.

The restrictions are justified by the European Union’s sanctions against Russia and Belarus.

The restrictions do not apply to cars with diplomatic license plates.

Estonian Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna said in his Wednesday statement that Belarus directly supports and participates in Russia’s military operations in Ukraine.

Lithuania and Latvia both share a common border with both Russia and Belarus. Estonia, in turn, has a common border with Russia.

The Baltic countries, Finland, Norway and Poland closed their borders to cars registered in Russia last year.

Source: Reuters
