Baltic cod starving to death near Denmark | News in brief

According to researchers, EU decisions can bring help to the cod situation.

DTU Aqua, the marine research department of the Technical University of Denmark, has published the results of its last research trip. News about them Danish Broadcasting DR.

According to DTU Aqua, the bottom of the Baltic Sea to the east of Denmark, especially around the island of Borholm, is completely oxygen-free. It follows that the cod moving in the area cannot find anything to eat.

The researchers caught cod in a wide area. All individuals were very thin and their stomachs were empty.

The plight of cod has been going on for years. Due to the lack of food, the cod that survive in the southern Baltic Sea are very small. The region has even developed a form of dwarf cod, says the leader of the expedition Marie Storr-Paulsen.

Researchers hope that the restoration regulation approved by the EU last summer would give new hope for improving the condition of the Baltic Sea. It could be done by reducing nutrient emissions and, for example, by planting sea urchin, which is important for marine life, in suitable bottom areas.

According to the researchers, the bad thing is that no deadline was set for the implementation of the restoration decree.
