Balsam Karam: I want to describe what is most important to me ”

Balsam Karam I want to describe what is most important

What will your hike be about?

– I have been invited to publish a poster that in various ways has to do with the upcoming election campaign. I am always interested in art and do not intend to do a lot of writing this time, says Balsam Karam to DN.

– Instead, I want to describe what is most important to me: That every time someone expresses a political question about what is good or not good, you should always ask for whom. This is what you can talk about on the walk.

What do you think ahead of the upcoming parliamentary elections?

– Something that is good about election movements is that there are always big issues that prevail in society – for example, how should a good school be – and that each party sharpens in its ideologies. It would be fun to try to capture such issues.

A major topic of discussion right now is the Swedish-Turkish NATO agreement. What are your thoughts on it?

– As a Kurd, it evokes memories of previous similar decisions and trampling. But in addition to this agreement, I think that the whole NATO issue has been handled rather poorly. It will be extremely frustrating, Balsam Karam answers.

– I feel very much, but a good thing now is that there is still a lot of talk about it in the media. I’m happy about that because then more people can understand more about what’s going on.
