Baldur’s Gate 3: Everyone can do 2 skills and they can kill opponents immediately

Each class in Baldur’s Gate 3 has special abilities. However, everyone shares a few “standard skills” – and two of them are even the strongest in the game. You can use it to kill almost any opponent with one hit and sometimes you don’t even have to spend an action.

What are these skills?

  • “Throw” uses an object (or creature) to throw it, either at an opponent or to a new location.
  • Push backs an opponent.
  • Each of the 12 classes in Baldur’s Gate 3 can use these two abilities.
  • This is what makes the skills so good: Although the skills don’t sound exciting at first, you can use them to take down almost any opponent with just one attack. Baldur’s Gate 3 allows all sorts of crazy actions, including throwing and pushing:

  • if you push back an opponent, they can land in dangerous areas like lava or area of ​​effect spells
  • position yourself correctly and you can even knock enemies down into an instantly deadly abyss. That’s how I killed a nasty witch
  • Thrust is even a “bonus action”, so you can still attack or cast magic in the same turn
  • if you throw something, you deal damage based on the weight of the object
  • So if you fill a box with a lot of scrap and take it with you, you can do immense damage by throwing this box in an opponent’s face
  • Both work particularly well with fighters and barbarians, since these two classes usually have a lot of strength. Strength affects how far you can push an opponent and how heavy an object can be before you can throw it. The athletic ability, which you can increase with the right talents, is also important.

    Fighters and Barbarians may not top the tier list of best classes in Baldur’s Gate, but they’re definitely super strong with these tricks. As a further bonus, a short rest is enough for you to relax:

    A useful feature can make your life in Baldur’s Gate 3 much easier

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    Barrelmancy has been an OP strategy since Divinity

    If you want to push the game even further, you can combine the skills with magic: for example, place a potion, an explosive flask or poison on an edge and let a magician’s hand push it down. Poison can damage opponents and with a healing potion you can easily heal your whole party.

    Alternatively, you can simply stack dozens of crates on top of each other and plant yourself on top – either to reach forbidden locations or to throw a boot at enemies from there. Because the higher the object, the more damage it will cause. For example, it should be possible to do 81 damage with a boot (via YouTube).

    Using environment objects has been a common practice among roleplayers for a while. In Divinity: Original Sin, for example, the “School of Barrelmancy” has developed from this, in which unbreakable containers are made as heavy as possible in order to smash opponents’ heads with them.

    The same thing works to a certain extent in Baldur’s Gate 3, where players will now frantically search for barrels and crates that are best used for their mundane “magic”. You should only be careful with “real magic”, because here you can quickly make a huge mistake:

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