Baldur’s Gate 3 even convinces players who should actually find it stupid

Baldur’s Gate 3 even manages to captivate players who actually hate turn-based and story-based games. You can find out more details on MeinMMO.

What is this game anyway? Baldur’s Gate 3 is a role-playing game developed by Larian Studios, which relies on a turn-based combat system. The game is based on the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition ruleset.

  • The RPG can be played alone or in co-op with up to four players.
  • You can expect tactical turn-based combat, an extensive story and there is a lot to discover.
  • Players can choose their character from a variety of races, classes and backstories, creating a customized gaming experience. You can also play pre-made characters.
  • With your decisions you have an influence on the story and you can achieve over 17,000 different endings.
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    “This game isn’t for me” – Players excited after 30 hours of gameplay

    What’s behind it? On Reddit, a player named ClownSevensix turns out to be a fan of Baldur’s Gate 3, but he’s actually not into turn-based games.

    As someone who was new to D&D and whose gaming preferences lay primarily with FromSoftware’s challenging single-player titles, he had a clear dislike for turn-based and story-driven games. The game at first seemed far from his interests.

    Then, in a moment of boredom while browsing Steam, he came across said game Baldur’s Gate 3. Because of the positive feedback, he decided to try it. Full of expectations, frustrated and disappointed turning away from the boring game, things turned out differently.

    Here’s what he wrote on Reddit: “Two days later and I’m already 30 hours into this game. What a great game. I gave this game two hours to change my mind before refunding it and now I’m buying the Deluxe Edition just to support the studio behind this masterpiece.”

    This is how author Fabienne Kissel sees it: Crafted with a remarkable level of dedication, Baldur’s Gate 3 has a depth that is truly touching. The developers have managed to create a work that will appeal to many players – regardless of their preferences.

    Really anyone with even the slightest interest in this genre should give this game a try. The reasons for this are diverse. Here are some of them:

  • Captivating plot draws you into a world full of intrigue and adventure.
  • Versatile character creation, everyone can identify with different personalities and backgrounds. You can create your own unique adventure.
  • But you can also play a pre-made character.
  • Co-op often unfolds compelling stories, epic battles, and even amusing misadventures due to the diverse personalities of the players.
  • RPG experience feels authentic, like actually playing D&D.
  • Player choices directly affect the course of the story and interactions within this living world.
  • The design and graphics of Baldur’s Gate 3 are simply breathtaking and the world just begs to be explored.
  • The fights are challenging and require strategic thinking, but also leave room for creative solutions. The fights are incredibly fun. For example, you can also work around some arguments or solve them differently than you might think.
  • You can invest countless hours in this game, explore different gameplays, make alternative decisions and thus always experience new aspects of the story.
  • More about the game: I play Baldur’s Gate 3 with 2 slobs who accidentally kill everything – and it’s super fun
